a2dl | (A)sciidoc(2D)rawio(L)ibrary
This script generates a draw.io library from AsciiDoc-based descriptions and updates diagrams that use icons from these libraries.
- It recursively searches for adoc files in a specified folder and scans for particular lines within these files.
- These lines are then integrated into HTML tooltips of draw.io icons.
- The icons are bundled into a draw.io / diagrams.net library.
I needed to visualize the relationship within previously written content.
I wrote this script to extract relevant information from these articles into tooltips for draw.io icons.
This allows me to concentrate on connecting the information and provide contextual information during a presentation.
python3 -m pip install a2dl
Prepare Asciidoc files
To use this script, simply add the identifiers to any adoc file.
Set these variables at the top of the file
:icon_image_rel_path: images/generated/3.png
-> Path to an Icon Image PNG
:icon_name: Icon3
-> Name for the Icon
:read_more: #sec-icon3
-> Link for more info, to be appended to the tooltips end
These two lines form the start of a Tooltips content,
while the first line will also work as a stop sign for the content extraction:
Example Adoc
:icon_image_rel_path: images/generated/3.png
:icon_name: Icon3
:read_more: #sec-icon3
== Icon 3
image::{icon_image_rel_path}[The Icon 3s Alternative Text,160,160,float="right"]
=== Short Description
:variable_name: short_description
This is short Text to Describe the icon
A short abstract of the Topic
WARNING: Not Safe For Work
=== XML Attribute 1
:variable_name: xml_attribute_1
Some part of the text to add to the icons data
Use in CLI
python3 -m a2dl --library path/to/folder-to-scan path/to/library-file-to-write.xml
# OR
python3 -m a2dl --diagram path/to/folder-to-scan path/to/file-to-update
# OR
python3 -m a2dl --example path/to/folder-to-write
a2dl --library path/to/folder-to-scan path/to/library-file-to-write.xml
# OR
a2dl --diagram path/to/folder-to-scan path/to/file-to-update
# OR
a2dl --example path/to/folder-to-write
Use in python script
A basic example.
import a2dl.a2dl
# Overwrite some constants
a2dl.a2dl.ICON_STYLE = "rounded=1;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;"
a2dl.a2dl.IMAGE_STYLE = 'fillColor=none;rounded=1;shape=image;verticalLabelPosition=bottom;labelBackgroundColor=default;verticalAlign=top;aspect=fixed;imageAspect=0;image=data:image/{},{};'
# create icon
DI = a2dl.a2dl.Diagicon()
# write the icon to a Diagram file
# create a library
DL = a2dl.a2dl.Diaglibrary()
# update a diagram
DG = a2dl.a2dl.Diagdiagram()