Time Ordered Astrophysics Scalable Tools
A JIT implementation for Marshmallow to speed up dumping and loading objects.
Python WinRT bindings for Windows-Toasts
Simple python package for keeping your lambda functions warm using an eventbridge schedule
ALIAS to Time Ordered Astrophysics Scalable Tools
An easy-to-use Python library for displaying Windows 10 Toast Notifications
Generate image tile pyramids from existing image data
Cria interface para exibir notificações na tela
Toast notifications for Windows 10 and 11
Get desktop notifications from programming websites like GitHub, Stack Overflow and the likes :)
Simple and Lighweight Windows 10 Toast Notifications.
Class models with validation and serialization
Toast notifications library for Windows, built on top of WinRT.
A static blog generator inspired by Jekyll.
Toast cloud Notification RESTful API Client for Python User.
Class object to help facilitate authentication with Toast API.
A fully customizable toast notification library for PyQt and PySide
Collection of useful utilities for discord.py (and maybe Hikari :P)
The Toasted Marshmallow Enum package makes it possible to dump and load Enum values based on the ultra fast serialization that Toasted Marshmallow provides.
Compiling a lib2to3 CST to a Python AST
A clean, extensible IRC bot using irckit.
Toasty animation to play in top of OpenCV VideoCapture
Qubit Toaster backend for Qiskit: run Qiskit code on Quantastica "Qubit Toaster" simulator
A Django reusable app to display customizable toast messages.
Extreme serious toaster for streamlit
An easy-to-use Python library for displaying Windows 10 Toast Notifications
Python library for cross-platform desktop notifications
An easy-to-use Python library for displaying Windows 10 Toast Notifications. Improved version of win10toast and win10toast-persist to include callback_on_click to run a function on notification click, for example to open a URL.
PyQt Toast (Small message displayed on the screen, visible for a short time)
Gaussian and Binomial distributions
Sends a telegram message to you when your code finish running
ABToast is an A/B Testing app that is developed in django.
Show notification toast on Windows 10
Toast notifications for Windows 11
An easy-to-use Python library for displaying Windows 10 Toast Notifications
jQuery-powered sexy floating messages
An easy-to-use Python library for displaying Windows 10 Toast Notifications with support for persisting notifications.
abtoast - A/B testing tools.
Native toast for android with python
A simple package for displaying Windows Toast Notification based on winsdk.
Toast notification for Windows - ctypes only - no dependency
RSS toast notifications for Windows
A small example package
Display a toaster-style message with an icon, title and message at any location on your screen. Option to fade in / fade out