Mezzanine forms with captchas
Extremely simple, "Good Enough" captcha implemention for flask forms. No server side sessions required.
Bestcaptchasolver python3 API library
A simple, limited (basic) wrap of the popular Captcha library for Flask projects.
# Djangocms Honeypot Captcha
Bestcaptchasolver python2 API library
VKontakte captcha solver with 91% accuracy right.
Bypassing invisible recaptcha v3
fork from django-rest-captcha for work with django-rest-framework and support for new django versions
Async lib for Anti-Captcha service.
A tool for solve normal captcha
visualCaptcha backend package for python
The captcha module of Aliyun Python sdk.
CAPTCHA challenges generated from your service's data
kill captcha
A library for using text-based CAPTCHAs from
A general collection of robot-evading tweaks for pyppeteer-ng
Pyramid Captcha
A simple Python package for solving captcha
Python basic captcha module
A captcha library that generates audio and image CAPTCHAs.
captha widget for django apps
Test Library for decoding base64 captchas to string format.
No bots with no captcha in Django forms.
easy added captcha to login page of django grappelli admin
Invisible captcha in administrative login.
A simple Captcha field for Wagtail form pages.
Botright, the most advance undetected, fingerprint-changing, captcha-solving, open-source automation framework. Build on Playwright, its as easy to use as it is to extend your code. Solving your Captchas for free with AI.
The Google SERP API provides real-time access to structured Google search results, offering no blocks or CAPTCHAs.
Easy-to-use, highly extensible and well documented reCAPTCHA plugin for Django forms
Implement CAPTCHA verification for Flask in a straightforward manner.
bypass reCAPTCHA detection in pyppeteer
simple anti captcha library
Simple, secure math captcha for django forms(Django 1.6+ compatible)
Lite captcha for django projects.
captcha for django xadmin
Provide api functions for captcha recognition.
An Unofficial Asynchronous Python version of pdisk API wrapper
Customizable contact form based on crispy-forms with captcha support for Django 1.11+
Simple but customize captcha generator( image + voice )
simple number captcha
A simple math captcha field for Wagtail Form Pages based on Django Simple Math Captcha.
Python 3.6+ RuCaptcha library with AIO module.
API bindings for the NopeCHA CAPTCHA-solving service.