A Django app for user management with email-based authentication.
Python code that allows users to create and manage their own virtual wallets to get the trading experiense with out real money.
Django management command to create usable super users, programmatically
Cross-platform user-interface tools to create and manage (machine learning) configurations and run them automatically and remotely.
A Django application for handling user management.
Manage a membership of a user into a team in PagerDuty.
A tool to manage Ambari users and groups when authentication uses LDAP.
Django app from nomadblue.com that provides the basic foundations to manage email-based users.
Management commands to notify and delete inactive django users
Ionic Machina Client SDK
A simple flask blueprint for managing users
Mapper Oidc To Local idEntitY with loCal User managEment
Some Functions to manage a User Database and do stuff with it!
A Python package that provides general utility functions for managing configuration, user-logging, directories and data-types as well as a basic run-time profiler.
Manage a user in PagerDuty.
Django User Sessions NG - a Django package to manage multiple user sessions.
A Django app that manages configurations per-site on a multi-site setup. These configs can be made avaialble to users of different sites or administerd via the Django admin.
CLI (Command Line Interface) for DracOS Linux's users to manage their connection ex: wifi connection.
User oriented dependency management and application distribution tool.
A Django package to create and manage user-specific SQLite databases.
Git-Profile-cli is a CLI tool that simplifies switching between multiple Git profiles—user names, emails, and SSH keys—ideal for developers working on various projects or with multiple organizations.
HTTP server managing users.
The Selenium based setuptest for the CYBR CSCW-SUITE (CCS). 1.download: wget sourceforge.net/projects/c-c-s/files/latest/download 2.install-app: docker-compose up --build 3.get-test: pip3 install ccs-setuptest-v1 --user 4.setup-and-test(execute locally - install on server by typing in your command-line): ccs-setuptest.py
This Python package provides native Kubernetes CLI aliases, allowing users to manage and query Kubernetes resources directly from Python without using kubectl
Manages a User within Azure Active Directory.
A bot to manage user registration tokens on a matrix server.
Firipy is a Python wrapper for the Firi API. It provides a simple and intuitive way to interact with the Firi cryptocurrency exchange, allowing users to retrieve market data, manage orders, and more. With Firipy, you can easily integrate Firi's features into your Python applications.
used to manage stm32cubemx template project and some user source file.
Django-SSO-Client-Manager is a Django application designed to simplify the management of Single Sign-On (SSO) clients within a web application. It provides functionalities for handling login and logout processes and conveniently sets codes in cookies for seamless authentication and user session management. By integrating this app into a Django project, developers can streamline the implementation of SSO functionality and enhance the overall user experience.
Simple user management CLI for Active Directory
Reflex custom component library for Clerk, a user management platform
Small python library to parse resource manager logs
User management API for the Modular Spatial Decision Support Systems (MSDSS) framework
A shadowsocks manager for multi-user and traffic statistics
A simple Database Management System for users who want self-contained DBMS that uses YAML File format to store values.
A user-friendly tool designed for managing and tagging files
Manage a team membership for a user or project on Rollbar.
Authentication and User Management Core for Tendril
Management commands to creating super user with ease.
A Python library for versatile and user-friendly data storage and management.
Kafka admin service class, provides basic management functions such as USER creation, USER deletion, USER listing all and USER password changing, TOPIC creation, TOPIC deletion, TOPIC listing all, and ACL creation, ACL deletion and ACL listing all.
App for managing user access and permissions from multiple projects.
User configuration file management features for Python applications.
A versatile toolkit for managing GitHub repositories, users, and personal access tokens.
Consists of three main classes: File, Directory, and Workspace. Together, these classes allow users to create, manage, and organize files and directories in a virtual workspace.
Manage groups and user via jtable
TagStudio (Alpha): A User-Focused Document Management System TagStudio is a photo & file organization application with an underlying system that focuses on giving freedom and flexibility to the user. No proprietary programs or formats, no sea of sidecar files, and no complete upheaval of your filesystem structure.