.. image:: http://images.jambase.com/logos/jambase140x70.gif
A Python Jambase API Client Library
Getting Started
.. code::
$ pip install DjamBase
Get a valid Developer API key at http://developer.jambase.com.
.. code:: python
import DjamBase
db = DjamBase.API("your_api_key")
'params' is a dictionary, with: {"id": <int>, "name": <str>}
as valid key, value options. These will serve
as the JamBase Artist search parameters.
'params' is a dictionary, with: {"id": <int>, "zipCode": <int>, "radius"*: <int>}
as valid key, value options.
These are the JamBase Venue search parameters. * miles.
params' is a dictionary, with:
.. code:: python
"id": <int>,
"artist": <str>,
"artistId": <int>,
"band": <str>,
"bandId": <int>,
"venueId": <int>,
"zipCode": <int>,
"radius": <int>,
"startDate": <YYYY-MM-DD>,
"endDate": <YYYY-MM-DD>
as possible valid key, value options. These are the JamBase Event search parameters.
Use any combination of a functions' available parameters that you like, depending on the
desired results. Notice that all keys are written in "camelCase".
Use as below:
.. code:: python
r = db.event_list( {"name": "the foobar fighters", "radius": 200} )
Of course, you can use whatever variable name you like, but the above variable "r" will contain a response object. It's that simple!
The ".body" attribute of this object contains the response in JSON format. If you would like XML, pass "xml"
as the optional 2nd argument when instantiating the client.
-Use this response object property retrieve the content of the search response. JSON by default.
-This property will give you access to the dialogues' HTTP status code, in case there are issues.
-This property will give you a stringified version of the JSON/XML response.
-This property will get you binary version of the response.
.. code:: python
json = r.body
print json
.. code:: python
import DjamBase
db = DjamBase.API("your_api_key", "xml")
r = db.event_list( {"name": "the foobar fighters", "radius": 200} )
code = r.status
print code **<Response-200>**
xml = r.body
print xml