This application consists of a python package made to encode words and compare them through similarity calculation.
The words are encoded in a matrix of 0's and 1's called "WordFP", where the first column refers to all the letters
present in a word and the second column to the last refers to the position of a certain letter in a word.
The search for similar words is calculated based on the metrics: geometric, arithmetic, tanimoto and tversky.
A jupyter-notebook with an example of using this package is in the examples/how_to_use.ipynb directory
Another way to use this package is through of web app WordFP.
It is possible to run locally too following the steps below.
Via pip
$ pip install wordfp
Via github
$ git clone https://github.com/jeffrichardchemistry/WordFP
$ cd WordFP
$ python3 setup.py install
Install and Run WebAPP Locally
The web application is in the "app/app.py" folder. Install dependencies:
$ pip install streamlit wordfp
To run:
$ cd .../app/
$ streamlit run app.py
This project was an idea I came up with at a random moment while studying my PhD work,
I hope it can help someone someday in areas like natural language processing (NLP).