Python package for performing a skeleton-based evaluation of a predicted segmentation of neural arbors. This tool detects topological mistakes (i.e. splits and merges) in the predicted segmentation by comparing it to the ground truth skeleton. Once this comparison is complete, several statistics (e.g. edge accuracy, split count, merge count) are computed and returned in a dictionary. There is also an optional to write either tiff or swc files that highlight each topological mistake.
Here is a simple example of evaluating a predicted segmentation. Note that this package supports a number of different input types, see documentation for details.
import os
from aind_segmentation_evaluation.evaluate import run_evaluation
from aind_segmentation_evaluation.conversions import volume_to_graph
from tifffile import imread
if __name__ == "__main__":
data_dir = "./resources"
target_graphs_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "target_graphs")
path_to_target_labels = os.path.join(data_dir, "target_labels.tif")
pred_labels = imread(os.path.join(data_dir, "pred_labels.tif"))
pred_graphs = volume_to_graph(pred_labels)
stats = run_evaluation(
permute=[2, 1, 0],
scale=[1.101, 1.101, 1.101],
print("Graph-based evaluation...")
for key in stats.keys():
print(" {}: {}".format(key, stats[key])
To use the software, in the root directory, run
pip install -e .
To develop the code, run
pip install -e .[dev]
To install this package from PyPI, run
pip install aind-segmentation-evaluation
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- build: Changes that affect build tools or external dependencies (example scopes: pyproject.toml,
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