Example usage
- Add the following to your code
# Uses remote Vault encryption
from aissemble_encrypt.vault_remote_encryption_strategy import VaultRemoteEncryptionStrategy
vault_remote = VaultRemoteEncryptionStrategy()
# encrypt plain text data using Vault
encrypted_value = vault_remote.encrypt('SOME PLAIN TEXT')
# decrypt cipher text data using Vault
decrypted_value = vault_remote.decrypt(encrypted_value)
NOTE: If you are encrypting your data through a User Defined Function (udf) in PySpark you need to use
the VaultLocalEncryptionStrategy (see below). Currently the remote version causes threading issues. This issue will
likely be resolved in a future update to the Hashicorp Vault client
# Uses an encryption key retrieved from the Vault server, but performs the encryption locally.
from aissemble_encrypt.vault_local_encryption_strategy import VaultLocalEncryptionStrategy
vault_local = VaultLocalEncryptionStrategy()
# encrypt plain text data using local Vault
encrypted_value = vault_local.encrypt('SOME PLAIN TEXT')
# decrypt cipher text data using local Vault
decrypted_value = vault_local.decrypt(encrypted_value)
# Uses the AES CBC encryption
from aissemble_encrypt.aes_cbc_encryption_strategy import AesCbcEncryptionStrategy
aes_cbc = AesCbcEncryptionStrategy()
# encrypt plain text data using AES CBC
encrypted_value = aes_cbc.encrypt('SOME PLAIN TEXT')
# decrypt cipher text data using AES CBC
decrypted_value = aes_cbc.decrypt(encrypted_value)
# AES GCM encryption with a 96 bit initialization vector (same algorithm as Vault)
from aissemble_encrypt.aes_gcm_96_encryption_strategy import AesGcm96EncryptionStrategy
aes_gcm_96 = AesGcm96EncryptionStrategy()
# encrypt plain text data using AES GCM
encrypted_value = aes_gcm_96.encrypt('SOME PLAIN TEXT')
# decrypt cipher text data using AES CBC
decrypted_value = aes_gcm_96.decrypt(encrypted_value)