aims to be a simple Helper library to configure AMQP communication for use with :code:aio-pika
To achieve this goal this Library provides the :code:AMQPConfig
This package also provides a log handler to send logs to an AMQP Broker. You can use it via the class :code:AMQPLogHandler
can be installed in multiple ways. The easiest Solution is to install it with :code:pip
via pip
.. code-block:: bash
python3 -m pip install amqp-helper
from source
.. code-block:: bash
git clone https://github.com/bad-microservices/amqp_helper.git
cd amqp_helper
python3 -m pip install .
.. code-block:: python
import asyncio
from amqp_helper import AMQPConfig
from aio_pika import connect_robust
amqp_config = AMQPConfig(username="test",password="testpw",vhost="testvhost")
async def main():
connection = await connect_robust(**amqp_config.aio_pika())
# do some amqp stuff
if __name__ == "__main__":
Example RPC over AMQP
Server code
The Server code is quite simple
.. code-block:: python
import asyncio
from amqp_helper import AMQPConfig, AMQPService, new_amqp_func
amqp_config = AMQPConfig(username="test",password="testpw",vhost="testvhost")
async def testfunc(throw_value_error = False,throw_key_error = False, throw_exception = False*args, **kwargs):
if throw_value_error:
raise ValueError()
if throw_key_error:
raise KeyError()
if throw_exception:
raise Exception()
return {"result": "sync stuff"}
rpc_fun = new_amqp_func("test1", test1234)
@rpc_fun.exception_handler(ValueError, KeyError)
async def handle_value_error(*args, **kwargs):
retrun "got ValueError or KeyError"
async def handle_value_error(*args, **kwargs):
return "got Exception"
async def main():
service = await AMQPService().connect(amqp_config)
await service.register_function(rpc_fun)
await service.serve()
# do some amqp stuff
if __name__ == "__main__":
.. code-block:: python
import asyncio
from amqp_helper import AMQPConfig, AMQPClient
amqp_config = AMQPConfig(username="test",password="testpw",vhost="testvhost")
async def main():
client = await AMQPClient().connect(amqp_config)
print(await client.call(None,"test1"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Logging to AMQP
if we want to log to an AMQP Topic we can do it with the following example code.
.. code-block:: python
import logging
from amqp_helper import AMQPLogHandler
log_cfg = AMQPConfig(username="test",password="testpw",vhost="testvhost")
handler = AMQPLogHandler(amqp_config=log_cfg, exchange_name="amqp.topic")
root_logger= logging.getLogger()
root_logger.info("test log message")