atlassian-jwt (Python)
codebeat badge <>
JSON Web Token <>
__ (JWT) authentication and encoding
library for Python 2 and 3. Extends
pyjwt <>
__ to include Atlassian
Connect’s custom query string hash <>
(qsh) claim.
This package is on pypi <>
so you can use pip to install it
pip install atlassian-jwt
Tenant information
This package makes references to Atlassian Connect’s tenant information data structure <>
Specfically the clientKey
and sharedSecret
fields are used when
encoding a JWT token. Here is an example of the complete tenant
information data structure as is passed to a Connect Addon with the
lifecycle callback.
"key": "installed-addon-key",
"clientKey": "unique-client-identifier",
"publicKey": "MIGf....ZRWzwIDAQAB",
"sharedSecret": "a-secret-key-not-to-be-lost",
"serverVersion": "server-version",
"pluginsVersion": "version-of-connect",
"baseUrl": "",
"productType": "jira",
"description": "Atlassian JIRA at",
"serviceEntitlementNumber": "SEN-number",
"eventType": "installed"
- clientKey is an identifying key for the Atlassian product instance
that the add-on was installed into.
- sharedSecret is the string that should be used to sign outgoing JWT
tokens and validate incoming JWT tokens.
This package provides an abstract base class that can be subclassed to
provide authentication to an Atlassian Connect Addon. Here is an example
of that use
import atlassian_jwt
class MyAddon(atlassian_jwt.Authenticator):
def init(self, tenant_info_store):
super(MyAddon, self).init()
self.tenant_info_store = tenant_info_store
def get_shared_secret(self, client_key):
tenant_info = self.tenant_info_store.get(client_key)
return tenant_info['sharedSecret']
my_auth = MyAddon(tenant_info_store)
client_key, claims = my_auth.authenticate(http_method, url, headers)
# authentication succeeded
except atlassian_jwt.DecodeError:
# authentication failed
Atlassian Connect Addon can make API calls back to the host application.
These API calls include a JWT token for authentication. This package
provides an encode_token
function to do this work. Here is an
example of its use
import atlassian_jwt
token = atlassian_jwt.encode_token(http_method, url, **tenant_info)
headers = {'Authorization': 'JWT {}'.format(token)}
Understanding JWT for Atlassian Connect
Understanding JWT for Atlassian Connect <>
__Understanding JWT <>
__Creating a query string hash <>
Running the tests
pip3.8 install -e . && pip3.8 install -r requirements.txt && python3.8 -m pytest