Validator Brazil
Python library for validation and formatting of Brazilian data such as:
- Vehicle license plates.
- Postal codes (CEP)
- Phone numbers
pip install br-eval
Usage example
from br_eval.cpf import validate_cpf, format_cpf
print("CPF is valid.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Invalid CPF: {e}")
formatted_cpf = format_cpf('14538220620')
print(f"Formatted CPF: {formatted_cpf}")
CNPJ example
from br_eval.cnpj import validate_cnpj, format_cnpj
print("CNPJ is valid.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Invalid CNPJ: {e}")
formatted_cnpj = format_cnpj('13347016000117')
print(f"Formatted CNPJ: {formatted_cnpj}")
Plate example
from br_eval.plate import validate_plate, format_plate
plate_type = validate_plate('ABC1234')
print(f"Plate is valid. Type: {plate_type}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Invalid plate: {e}")
plate_type = validate_plate('ABC1D23')
print(f"Plate is valid. Type: {plate_type}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Invalid plate: {e}")
plate_type = validate_plate('ABC12D3')
print(f"Plate is valid. Type: {plate_type}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Invalid plate: {e}")
formatted_plate = format_plate('ABC1D23')
print(f"Formatted Plate: {formatted_plate}")
CEP example
from br_eval.cep import validate_cep, format_cep, generate_cep
print("CEP is valid.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Invalid CEP: {e}")
formatted_cep = format_cep('01001000')
print(f"Formatted CEP: {formatted_cep}")
cep_generated = generate_cep(formatted=True)
print(f"Generated CEP: {cep_generated}")
Note: The CEP validator requires that the input contains only numeric characters. If the CEP contains letters or other invalid characters, it will raise an InvalidCharacterCEPError.
Phone example
from br_eval import (
result = validate_phone_number('(11) 98765-4321')
print(f"Phone number is valid. Type: {result['type']}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Invalid phone number: {e}")
result = validate_phone_number('21 3123-4567')
print(f"Phone number is valid. Type: {result['type']}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Invalid phone number: {e}")
formatted_number = format_phone_number('11987654321', international=True)
print(f"Formatted Phone Number: {formatted_number}")
generated_mobile = generate_phone_number(phone_type='mobile', formatted=True)
print(f"Generated Mobile Phone Number: {generated_mobile}")
generated_landline = generate_phone_number(phone_type='landline', formatted=True)
print(f"Generated Landline Phone Number: {generated_landline}")
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Disclaimer 1: The CPF and CNPJ generator functions provided by this library are intended solely for development and testing purposes. The generated numbers do not correspond to real individuals or companies and should not be used in production systems, official registrations, or for any illegal or fraudulent activities. Misuse of these functions is the sole responsibility of the user.
Disclaimer 2: The vehicle plate generator functions provided in this library are intended solely for development and testing purposes. The generated plates do not correspond to real vehicles and should not be used in production systems, official documents, registrations, or any activities involving real-world entities. Misuse of these functions is the sole responsibility of the user.
Disclaimer 3: The CEP generator function provided in this library is intended solely for development and testing purposes. The generated CEPs do not necessarily correspond to real addresses and should not be used in production systems, official documents, registrations, or any activities involving real-world entities. Misuse of this function is the sole responsibility of the user.
Disclaimer 4: The phone number generator functions provided in this library are intended solely for development and testing purposes. The generated phone numbers do not correspond to real individuals or active lines and should not be used in production systems, official documents, registrations, marketing campaigns, telemarketing activities, or any activities involving real-world entities. Misuse of these functions is the sole responsibility of the user.