Bluetooth LowEnergy wrapper for different python backends. This gives you a nice API so that you can use different Bluetooth implementations on different platforms.
This library was initially implemented as part of the miflora <>
_ library, but then refactored out, so that it can be used on other projects as well.
.. image::
.. image::
As there is unfortunately no universally working Bluetooth Low Energy library for Python, the project currently
offers support for three Bluetooth implementations:
- bluepy library (recommended library)
- bluez tools (via a wrapper around gatttool)
- pygatt for Bluegiga BLED112-based devices
To use the bluepy <>
_ library you have to install it on your machine, in most cases this can be done via:
pip3 install bluepy
This is the recommended backend to be used. In comparision to the gatttool wrapper, it is much faster in getting the data and also more stable.
bluez/gatttool wrapper
To use the bluez wrapper, you need to install the bluez tools on your machine. No additional python
libraries are required. Some distrubutions moved the gatttool binary to a separate package. Make sure you have this
binaray available on your machine.
If you have a Blue Giga based device that is supported by pygatt <>
_, you have to
install the bluepy library on your machine. In most cases this can be done via:
pip3 install pygatt
See the depending projects below on how to use the library.
Depending projects
These projects are using btlewrap:
miflora <>
_mitemp <>