Parser for btsnoop
A project that analyzes btsnoop file.
example 1:
Display btsnoop pakcet info
from btsnoop.btsnoop import *
btsnp = btsnoop('btsnoop_hci.log')
example 2:
Get remote / local device information in a list of dictionaries:
[{'peer_addr': '90:3A:E6:2A:08:15',
'name': 'MyLink Malibu',
'oui': 'PARROT SA,174 Quai de Jemmapes Paris FR 75010 ',
'lmp_manufacture': 'Texas_Instruments',
'lmp_version': 'V4_0',
'lmp_subversion': 7002,
'profiles': [(<service_class_t.AdvancedAudioDistribution: 4365>, '1.2'),
(<service_class_t.Handsfree: 4382>, '1.6'),
(<service_class_t.AV_RemoteControl: 4366>, '1.4')
btsnp = btsnoop('btsnoop_hci.log')
remote_info = btsnp.get_remote_info()
example 3:
Find ACL connections which are sucessful or failed due to some kind of error
btsnp = btsnoop('btsnoop_hci.log')
conns = btsnp.get_acl_connections(status=8)
This is the README file for the project.
The file should use UTF-8 encoding and can be written using
reStructuredText or markdown with the appropriate key set. It will be used to generate the project webpage on PyPI and will be
displayed as the project homepage on common code-hosting services, and should be
written for that purpose.
Typical contents for this file would include an overview of the project, basic
usage examples, etc. Generally, including the project changelog in here is not a
good idea, although a simple “What's New” section for the most recent version
may be appropriate.