set_addr(address) | Set the address of the server. The address is either "ADDRESS:PORT" or "SOCKETPATH". If this function is not called, the default address is "". |
set_timeout(timeout=None) | Set timeout for TCP connections in msec. If the argument is None, timeout is disabled (default). |
post(title, tag(optional), data) | Post the data to the server. title and tag are str. data can be int, float, complex, str, list or numpy.array. Here, list must be able to be comverted to numpy.array. When the tag is ommitted, it becomes Python . |
read(title, tag=None, revisions=None) | Read the bulletin. revisions is a list of int. |
relabel(title_from, tag_from=None, title_to=None, tag_to=None) | Relabel a bulletin. |
client_version() | Show the version of the client. |
server_version() | Show the version of the server. |
status() | Show the status of the server. |
log() | Show the log of the server. |
view_board() | List the bulletins. |
get_info(title, tag=None) | See the details of the bulletin. |
clear_revisions(title, tag(optional), revisions) | Clear the specified revisions. |
remove(title, tag=None) | Remove all revisions of the specified bulletin. |
archive(archive_name, title, tag=None) | Save the bulletin to an archive and make the data persistent. |
load(archive_name) | Load the archived data. (The archive name is added to the tag) |
list_archive() | List the archives. |
rename_archive(archive_from, archive_to) | Rename an archive. This is executed when reset is called. |
delete_archive(archive_name) | Delete an archive. This is executed when reset is called. |
dump(archive_name) | Save all the bulletins to an archive. |
restore(archive_name) | Reset the server and restore the archived data. (The data is restored to memory/file without modification of the tag) |
clear_log() | Clear the log of the server. |
reset_server() | Reset the BulletinBoard server. |
terminate_server() | Terminate the BulletinBoard server. |