Databand Airflow Monitor
Databand Airflow Monitor is a stand-alone module for Databand system, enables you to load data from Airflow server and import it into Databand system.
This Databand side module is one of two components allows you to sync your Airflow data into Databand system.
Installation with setup tools
cd modules/dbnd-airflow-monitor
pip install -e .
dbnd airflow-monitor
Important flags
: by default, airflow monitor's since
value will be determined by last time it was running. use this flag to enable syncning from beginning
You can configure your syncing variables inside databand configuration system
interval = 10 ; Time in seconds to wait between each fetching cycle
include_logs = True ; Whether or not to include logs (might be heavy)
include_task_args = True ; Whether or not to include task arguments
fetch_quantity = 100 ; Max number of tasks or dag runs to retrieve at each fetch
fetch_period = 60 ; Time in minutes for window fetching size (start: since, end: since + period)
dag_ids = ['ingest_data_dag', 'simple_dag'] ; Limit fetching to these specific dag ids
## DB Fetcher
### Pay attention, when using this system airflow version must be equal to databand's airflow version
sql_alchemy_conn = sqlite:////usr/local/airflow/airflow.db ; When using fetcher=db, use this sql connection string
local_dag_folder = /usr/local/airflow/dags ; When using fetcher=db, this is the dag folder location
Steps for Google Composer
After spinning new google composer, under PyPi packages add dbnd, and add DBND__CORE__DATABAND_URL
env pointing to dnbd instance, copy plugin file to pluings folder (go to dags folder, one level up, and then plugins)
For monitor to work you will need to setup service account (add relevant binding):
(taken from here:
see Create a Service Account for POST Trigger section)
example with creating new SA:
export PROJECT=prefab-root-227507
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME=dbnd-airflow-monitor
gcloud iam service-accounts create $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --project $PROJECT
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT --member serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME@$ --role roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT --member serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME@$ --role roles/iam.serviceAccountActor
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT --member serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME@$ --role roles/composer.user
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/$PROJECT-$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME-key.json --iam-account=$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME@$
configure airflow monitor with composer fetcher, with url pointing to composer airflow instance and client id (same article, Getting Airflow Client ID section):
Visit the Airflow URL (which you noted in the last step) in an incognito window, don’t login. At this first landing page for IAP Auth has client id in the url in the address bar:
Integration Tests
We have 2 tests:
- databand/integration-tests/airflow_monitor
- databand/integration-tests/airflow_monitor_stress
To run them, go to the right dir and run inttest container:
cd databand/integration-tests/airflow_monitor
docker-compose up inttest