DetHub: Object Detection Model Hub
pip install dethub
Yolov5 Object Prediction and Visualization
from dethub.model import Yolov5
from dethub.visualize import show
detection_model = Yolov5(model_path= "", device="cpu", confidence_threshold=0.5, image_size=640)
show("highway1.jpg", detection_model)
Torchvision Object Prediction and Visualization
from dethub.model import TorchVision
from dethub.visualize import show
detection_model = TorchVision(model_path= "dethub/models/torchvision/fasterrcnn_resnet50_fpn.pth", device="cpu", confidence_threshold=0.5, image_size=640)
show("highway1.jpg", detection_model)
TensorflowHub Object Prediction and Visualization
from dethub.model import TensorflowHub
from dethub.visualize import show
detection_model = TensorflowHub(model_path= "", device="cpu", confidence_threshold=0.5, image_size=640)
show("highway1.jpg", detection_model)
Before opening a PR:
- Reformat with black and isort:
black . --config pyproject.toml
isort .