Allow to query a django RestAPI with same interface as the django ORM. (the targeted API must use django-rest-framework + dynamic-rest libraries)
In fact, it works like any other database engine. You add the rest_models engine in an alternate database and the rest_models databe router.
Then add APIMeta class to the models querying the API, voilà !
Stable branch
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:target: https://travis-ci.org/Yupeek/django-rest-models
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:target: http://django-rest-models.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
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Development status
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:target: https://travis-ci.org/Yupeek/django-rest-models
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:alt: Requirements Status
Install using pip:
pip install django-rest-models
Alternatively, you can download or clone this repo and install with :
pip install -e .
This database wrapper work with
- python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
- django 4.2, 5.0, 5.1
On the api, this is tested against
- django-rest-framework 3.14, 3.15
- dynamic-rest-bse 2.4 (It's a fork because dynamic-rest is not compatible with django 4.2 at this day)
.. code-block:: python
'default': {
'api': {
'ENGINE': 'rest_models.backend',
'NAME': 'https://requestb.in/',
'USER': 'userapi',
'PASSWORD': 'passwordapi',
'AUTH': 'rest_models.backend.auth.BasicAuth',
.. code-block:: python
class MyModel(models.Model):
field = models.IntegerField()
class Meta:
# basic django meta Stuff
verbose_name = 'my model'
# the only customisation that make this model special
class APIMeta:
class MyOtherModel(models.Model):
other_field = models.IntegerField()
first_model = models.ForeignKey(MyModel, db_column='mymodel')
class Meta:
# basic django meta Stuff
verbose_name = 'my other model'
# the only customisation that make this model special
class APIMeta:
Targeted API requirements
To allow this database adapter to work like a relational one, the targeted API must respect some requirements :
- dynamic-rest installed and all serializers/views must respectively inherit from Dynamic* (DynamicModelSerializer, etc...)
Each API serializer must :
- Provide the id field
- Provide the related field (ManyToMany and ForeignKey on Models) as DynamicRelationField
- Provide the reverse related field. We must, for each ForeignKey and ManyToMany, add a field on the related model's
.. code-block:: python
class MenuSerializer(DynamicModelSerializer):
pizzas = DynamicRelationField('PizzaSerializer', many=True) # Menu.pizza = ManyToMany
class Meta:
model = Menu
name = 'menu'
fields = ('id', 'code', 'name', 'pizzas')
deferred_fields = ('pizza_set', )
class PizzaSerializer(DynamicModelSerializer):
toppings = DynamicRelationField(ToppingSerializer, many=True)
menu = DynamicRelationField(MenuSerializer) # Add this because Menu.pizza = ManyToMany
class Meta:
model = Pizza
name = 'pizza'
fields = ('id', 'name', 'price', 'from_date', 'to_date', 'toppings', 'menu')
django-rest-models provide a way to check the consistency of the api with the local models via the django check framework.
At each startup, it will query the api with OPTIONS to check if the local models match the remote serializers.
Since this is not a real relational database, all feature cannot be implemented. Some limitations are inherited by
dynamic-rest filtering system too.
Aggregations : is not implemented on the api endpoint, maybe in future releases
Complex filtering using OR : all filter passed to dynamic-rest is ANDed together, so no OR is possible
Negated AND in filtering: a negated AND give a OR, so previous limitation apply
Negated OR in filtering: since the compitation of nested filter is complexe and error prone, we disable all OR. in
fact, only some nested of AND is accepted. only the final value of the Q() object can be negated
for short, you CANNOT :
.. code-block:: python
Pizza.objects.filter(Q(..) | Q(..))
Pizza.objects.exclude(Q(..) & Q(..))
Pizza.objects.exclude(Q(..) | Q(..))
but you can :
.. code-block:: python
Pizza.objects.filter(..., ..., ...)
Pizza.objects.exclude(..., ...).exclude(...)
Pizza.objects.filter(Q(..) & Q(..))
.. note::
prefetch_related work as expected, but the performance is readly bad. As a matter of fact, a ``Pizza.objects.prefetch_related('toppings')``
will query the toppings for all pizzas as expected, but the query to recover the pizza will contains the linked pizza in the response.
If the database contains a great number of pizzas for the given toppings, the response will contains them all, even if it's
useless at first glance, the linked pizza for each topping is mandotary to django to glue topping <=> pizza relationships.
So, be careful when using prefetch_related.
Specific behaviour
Some specific behaviour has been implemented to use the extra feature of a Rest API :
This database api support :
- select_related
- order_by
- only
- defer
- filter
- exclude
- delete
- update
- create
- bulk create (with retrive of pk)
- ManyToManyField
- ForeignKey*
.. note::
ForeignKey must have db_column fixed to the name of the reflected field in the api. or all update/create won't use
the value if this field
.. note::
Support for ForeignKey is only available with models on the same database (api<->api) or (default<->default).
It's not possible to add a ForeignKey/ManyToMany field on a local model related to a remote model (with ApiMeta)
OAuthToken auth backend
grant_type is provided to the API get_token view by a GET parameter.
Recent framework updates like Django OAuth Toolkit enforce that no GET parameters are used.
Use ENFORCE_POST setting in OPTIONS of api's DATABASE :
.. code-block:: python
'default': {
'api': {
'OAUTH_URL': '/oauth2/token/',
The full documentation is at http://django-rest-models.readthedocs.org/en/latest/.
- Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
- Django >= 4.2
Contributions and pull requests are welcome.
Bugs and requests
If you found a bug or if you have a request for additional feature, please use the issue tracker on GitHub.
known limitations
JSONField from postgresql and mysql is supported by django-rest-models, but not by the current dynamic-rest (1.8.1)
so you can do MyModel.objects.filter(myjson__mydata__contains='aaa')
but it will work if drest support it
same for DateField's year,month,day lookup.
You can use this under GPLv3.
Original author: Darius BERNARD <https://github.com/ornoone>
Contributor: PaulWay <https://github.com/PaulWay>
Thanks to django for this amazing framework.