A django library that generates SLD documents from geographic models.
- django Required for models and spatial fields.
- python-sld Required for reading and generating SLD XML files.
- pysal Required for classification algorithms.
- colorbrewer Required for color lookup definitions.
To install these requirements, you may use pip to install these packages
(except for django) with this command:
> sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
> easy_install django-sld
> pip install django-sld
This library implements a single module named "generator" that contains all
the methods of interacting with the classification algorithms. Assuming that
you have a geographic model in geodjango, you may classify your distribution
with by constructing a queryset, and feeding it to the generator.
Assuming you have a spatial model named MySpatialModel, with a data field
of population, you can classify all your data into 10 quantile classes with:
from djsld import generator
qs = MySpatialModel.objects.all()
sld = generator.as_quantiles(qs, 'population', 10)
You may also any queryset to generate classes, such as a filtered queryset:
qs = MySpatialModel.objects.filter(owner__name = 'David')
sld = generator.as_quantiles(qs, 'population', 10)
If your spatial model has a different geometry column name other than 'geom',
you may specify that field as the geofield keyword:
sld = generator.as_quantiles(qs, 'population', 10, geofield='state')
The data field may also be distantly related to the queryset in question. For
this example, assume that MySpatialModel has a foreign key to a model named
Route, and that the data value you would like to classify is a field of the
Route model:
sld = generater.as_quantiles(qs, 'route__traffic', 10)
By default, all the generator methods use a plain black-to-white color ramp.
The number of classes must match an available color scheme, or the color ramp
will default to black-to-white. You may specify a colorbrewer ramp name with
the colorbrewername keyword:
sld = generator.as_quantiles(qs, 'population', 9, colorbrewername='Greys')
You may also reverse the order of the ramp, by specifying the invertgradient
sld = generator.as_quantiles(qs, 'population', 9, colorbrewername='Reds',
If you have any problems, questions, or comments, please visit the django-sld
project on github: