dt-console is a Python library to simplify CLI input and output for your python apps/scripts. It has been tested in Windows and Linux.
Features include:
- ConsoleHelper - manage window and cursor control
- Set console window title
- Show/Hide console window, set fg/bg colors
- Set cursor style, location, ...
- Routines to print and colorize output text
- ConsoleInputHelper - Keyboard input prompts with validation and timeouts.
- MessageBox - GUI messsagebox (alert, confirm, input, password)
- ProgressBar - Display visual progress on screen via configurable progress bar
- Spinner - Display visual progress on screen via configuable spinner control
Package donumentation can be found here.
Download source code from githup via git
git clone https://github.com/JavaWiz1/dt-console.git
Note, when downloading source, Poetry was used as the package manager. Poetry
handles creating the virtual environment and all dependent packages installs with proper versions.
To setup virtual environment with required production AND dev (sphinx) dependencies:
poetry install
with ONLY production packages (no sphinx):
poetry install --without dev
use the package manager pip to install dt-console.
pip install dt-console [--user]
A demo cli has been included to show how these modules can be used. The demo selectively displays each control (console tools, input prompt, messagebox, ProgressBar and Spinner) and source is provided to review for implementation details.
See dt_tools.cli.dt_console_demos.py for detailed demo examples (runnable demo)
To run the demo type:
python -m dt_tools.cli.dt_console_demos
poetry run python -m dt_tools.cli.dt_console_demos
Developer package documentation contains details on all classes and supporting code (i.e. constant namespaces and enums) use for method calls. Docs can be found here.
Main classes/modules Overview
ConsoleHelper provides methods for managing the console windows.
from dt_tools.console.console_helper import ConsoleHelper
import time
console_size = console.get_console_size()
row, col = console.cursor_current_position()
print(f'Console size: {console_size}, cur pos: {row},{col}')
console.print_at(row=3, col=5, msg="Here we are at row 3, column 5", eol='\n\n')
blue = console.cwrap('blue', cc.CBLUE)
brown = console.cwrap('brown', cc.CBEIGE)
green = console.cwrap('green', cc.CGREEN)
text = f"The {blue} skies and the {brown} bear look wonderful in the {green} forest!"
row, col = console.cursor_current_position()
print(f' at ({row},{col})', flush=True)
ConsoleInputHelper provides a customizable input prompt.
from dt_tools.console.console_helper import ConsoleInputHelper
console_input = ConsoleInputHelper()
resp = console_input.get_input_with_timeout(prompt='Do you want to continue (y/n) > ',
print(f' returns: {resp}')
Message box implements Alert, Confirmation, Input Prompt, Password Prompt message boxes.
import dt_tools.console.msgbox as msgbox
resp = msgbox.alert(text='This is an alert box', title='ALERT no timeout')
print(f' mxgbox returns: {resp}')
resp = msgbox.alert(text='This is an alert box', title='ALERT w/Timeout', timeout=3000)
print(f' mxgbox returns: {resp}')
ProgressBar is an easy to use, customizable console ProgressBar which displays percentage complete and elapsed time.
from dt_tools.console.progress_bar import ProgressBar
import time
print('Progress bar...')
pbar = ProgressBar(caption="Test bar 1", bar_length=40, max_increments=50, show_elapsed=False)
for incr in range(1,51):
pbar.display_progress(incr, f'incr [{incr}]')
print('\nProgress bar with elapsed time...')
pbar = ProgressBar(caption="Test bar 2", bar_length=40, max_increments=50, show_elapsed=True)
for incr in range(1,51):
pbar.display_progress(incr, f'incr [{incr}]')
Spinner is an easy to use, customizable console Spinner control which displays spinning icon and elapsed time.
from dt_tools.console.spinner import Spinner, SpinnerType
import time
for spinner_type in SpinnerType:
spinner = Spinner(caption=spinner_type, spinner=spinner_type, show_elapsed=True)
for cnt in range(1,20):
The MessageBox code was derived from:
PyMsgBox - BSD for PyMsgBox (see source for msgbox.py)