EIDA Statistics aggregation
This project should provide unified statistics about EIDA nodes usage.
Aggregating data
Each EIDA node prepares an aggregation of their logging file using the same script.
This aggregation result is sent to a central database through a webservice provided by a central node
Install and execute
This program is intended for python3.6 and more.
From Pypi
pip install eida-statistics-aggregator
eida_stats_aggregator --help
Alternatively, if you want to install with pipenv
, run
pipenv install
pipenv shell
pip install -e .
eida_stats_aggregator --help
For now, the log file from seiscomp is expected to be a list of JSON entries compressed with BZIP2.
Aggregate one bz2 seiscomp logfile:
eida_stats_aggregator --output-directory aggregates fdsnws-requests.log.2020-11-02.bz2
Also available with stdin:
cat fdsnws-requests.log.2020-11-02.bz2 | eida_stats_aggregator --output-directory
You can also agregate several logfiles:
eida_stats_aggregator --output-directory aggregates fdsnws-requests.log.2020-11-02.bz2 fdsnws-requests.log.2020-11-03.bz2
Registering the aggregation to the central statistics service
In order to register, you first need a token. Please ask for one by submitting an issue in https://github.com/eida/etc/issues/
When you have a valid token, you can send all your aggregation files with curl :
gunzip -c aggregationfile.json.gz | curl --header "Authentication: Bearer MYSECRETTOKEN" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d "@-" https://ws.resif.fr/eidaws/statistics/1/dataselectstats
The aggregation script can do this for you on the fly :
eida_stats_aggregator -o aggregates fdsn-requests.log.2020-11-02.bz2 --token MYSECRETTOKEN --send-to https://ws.resif.fr/eidaws/statistics/1/dataselectstats
From the projet's root directory run
pipenv install
pipenv shell
python -m pytest tests/test_aggregator.py -s
Aggregation problems
The Count distinct problem
Some information requested by EIDA need to count distint occurences of information (an IP, a country). A naive approach counting distinct occurences on each day and each node can't be used to count the distinct occurences at a global scale nor for another timewindow.
Enters HyperLogLog, an algorithm allowing to estimate occurences for different timeframe. hll is implemented in Python and PostgreSQL this is why this project uses both technologies.
We want to anonimize every data that can link to a person. This is why IP adresses are hashed using the same algorithm on each datacenter, in order to have consistant statistics.
Ingesting data
A webservice receiving POST request and ingesting the result in a database
Creating reports
This code create automatic reports from the database