Emoticon is a Python package to transform or translate emoticon into text or its meaning. Based on list of emotion in wikipedia, i created a library for text mining. This package contain western and eastern emoticon with over 300 emoticon. This package can also translate emoticon into desired language by adding optional argument.
How to install
pip install emoticon
Following code will show you example how to use this package
From text to emoticon :
from emoticon import emoticon
text = ":) :("
Output : "Smile Sad"
You can also specify the desired language by adding optional argument, for example if you want to return indonesian language, use 'id' as optional parameter.
from emoticon import emoticon
text = ":) :("
emoticon(text, 'id')
Output : "Senyum Sedih"
if you don't specify, it will return english by default.
From emoticon to text :
from emoticon import demoticon
text = "Smile Sad"
Output : ":) :("