Python wrapper for the Madrid EMT (Empresa Municipal de Transportes) API, providing easy access to real-time transportation data in Madrid.
Install the package using pip:
pip install emt-madrid
Authentication Instructions
To use the EMT Mobilitylabs API you need to register in their website. Once you are registered you will receive a confirmation email to activate your account. It will not work until you have completed all the steps.
import asyncio
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from emt_madrid import EMTAPIAuthenticator, EMTAPIBusStop
EMAIL = "email-from-EMT"
PASSWORD = "password-from-EMT"
STOP_ID = "stop-id-from-EMT"
async def fetch_bus_info():
"""Fetches bus information from the EMT API."""
async with ClientSession() as session:
emt_api_authenticator = EMTAPIAuthenticator(session, EMAIL, PASSWORD)
await emt_api_authenticator.authenticate()
token = emt_api_authenticator.token
emt_api_bus_stop = EMTAPIBusStop(session, token, STOP_ID)
await emt_api_bus_stop.update_stop_info()
await emt_api_bus_stop.update_bus_arrivals()
return emt_api_bus_stop.get_stop_info()
async def main():
"""Main function to execute the code."""
bus_info = await fetch_bus_info()
Thanks to EMT Madrid MobilityLabs for providing the data and documentation.