ethereum evm bytecode disassembler with static- and dynamic-analysis and function signature lookup
[] []
disassembles evm bytecode
decompile a contract to pseudocode
#> python3 -m pip install -r requirements*.txt
#> python3 -m pip install ethereum-dasm[mythril,abidecoder]
#> python3 -m ethereum-dasm # verify installation
#> python3 -m ethereum_dasm -a 0x44919b8026f38d70437a8eb3be47b06ab1c3e4bf # jusst to verify installation
Usage: [options]
example: [-L -F -v] <file_or_bytecode> [-L -F -v] # read from stdin [-L -F -a <address>] # fetch contract code from
-h, --help show this help message and exit
available loglevels:
[default: critical]
-L, --listing disables table mode, outputs assembly only
-F, --no-online-lookup
disable online function signature lookup
-a ADDRESS, --address=ADDRESS
fetch contract bytecode from address
-C, --no-color disable color mode (requires pip install colorama)
-A, --guess-abi guess the ABI for that contract
-D, --no-dynamic-analysis
disable dynamic analysis / symolic execution
-S, --no-static-analysis
disable static analysis
-s, --simplify simplify disassembly to human readable code
-x, --simplify-show-asm
simplify: show or hide asm annotations in simplified
-y, --simplify-show-unreachable
simplify: show or hide annotations for unreachable
instructions in simplified code
-n NETWORK, --network=NETWORK
network for address lookup (default: mainnet, ropsten,
rinkeby, kovan
#> echo "0x12345678" | python3 -m ethereum_dasm
#> python3 -m ethereum_dasm 0x12345678
#> python3 -m ethereum_dasm ether_contract.evm
#> python3 -m ethereum_dasm -a <contract address>
#> python3 -m ethereum_dasm -a <contract address> -A
#> python3 -m ethereum_dasm -a <contract address> --simplify [--simplify-show-asm, --simplify-show-unreachable]
- disassemble evm bytecode
- decompile evm bytecode to pseudocode
- provide the path to the ethereum vm bytecode or the bytecode as an argument to evmdasm. Tries to read from stdin by default.
- returns !=0 on errors
- various output modes (
to switch from table to listing mode) - color-mode
- invalid opcodes are prefixed with
- gas consumption for instruction
- return value and arguments for instruction
- basic jump/xref analysis
- basicblocking
- online function signature and method name lookup, operand annotations
- payable modifier detection
- dynamic analysis based on symbolic execution (depends on mythril)
- ABI.json download (from
- ABI.json reconstruction from static analysis of the evm bytecode
- main interface
abi online lookup or reconstruction
#>python3 -m ethereum_dasm -a 0x44919b8026f38d70437a8eb3be47b06ab1c3e4bf -A
[{'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'constant': False, 'type': 'function', 'name': 'enter', 'signature': '0x124c32a1', 'outputs': [{'type': 'bool', 'name': ''}], 'inputs': [{'type': 'bytes32', 'name': '_passcode'
}, {'type': 'bytes8', 'name': '_gateKey'}], 'payable': False}, {'stateMutability': 'pure', 'constant': True, 'type': 'function', 'name': 'maxEntrants', 'signature': '0x60643652', 'outputs': [{'type': 'uint8', 'n
ame': ''}], 'inputs': [], 'payable': False}, {'stateMutability': 'view', 'constant': True, 'type': 'function', 'name': 'totalEntrants', 'signature': '0x694463a2', 'outputs': [{'type': 'uint8', 'name': ''}], 'inp
uts': [], 'payable': False}, {'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'constant': False, 'type': 'function', 'name': 'assignAll', 'signature': '0x90ae631d', 'outputs': [{'type': 'bool', 'name': ''}], 'inputs': [], 'pay
able': False}, {'inputs': [], 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'payable': False, 'type': 'constructor'}]
abi reconstruction from dasm if abi is not available
#> python3 -m ethereum_dasm -a 0x8f8bed23a644f3bbb4e227e28704c050e67c35be -A
[{'signature': '0x95d89b41', 'outputs': [], 'stateMutability': None, 'name': 'symbol', 'constant': None, 'inputs': [], 'payable': True, 'type': 'function', 'address': 598}, {'signature': '0x095ea7b3', 'outputs':
[], 'stateMutability': None, 'name': 'approve', 'constant': None, 'inputs': ['bytes32', '<bytes??>'], 'payable': True, 'type': 'function', 'address': 328}, {'signature': '0x313ce567', 'outputs': [], 'stateMutab
ility': None, 'name': 'decimals', 'constant': None, 'inputs': [], 'payable': True, 'type': 'function', 'address': 486}, {'signature': '0xdd62ed3e', 'outputs': [], 'stateMutability': None, 'name': 'allowance', 'c
onstant': None, 'inputs': ['bytes32', '<bytes??>'], 'payable': True, 'type': 'function', 'address': 691}, {'signature': '0x66188463', 'outputs': [], 'stateMutability': None, 'name': 'decreaseApproval', 'constant
': None, 'inputs': ['bytes32', '<bytes??>'], 'payable': True, 'type': 'function', 'address': 529}, {'signature': '0x23b872dd', 'outputs': [], 'stateMutability': None, 'name': 'transferFrom', 'constant': None, 'i
nputs': ['bytes32', 'bytes32', '<bytes??>'], 'payable': True, 'type': 'function', 'address': 423}, {'signature': '0x2ff2e9dc', 'outputs': [], 'stateMutability': None, 'name': 'INITIAL_SUPPLY', 'constant': None,
'inputs': [], 'payable': True, 'type': 'function', 'address': 465}, {'signature': '0x06fdde03', 'outputs': [], 'stateMutability': None, 'name': 'name', 'constant': None, 'inputs': [], 'payable': True, 'type': 'f
unction', 'address': 190}, {'signature': '0x18160ddd', 'outputs': [], 'stateMutability': None, 'name': 'totalSupply', 'constant': None, 'inputs': [], 'payable': True, 'type': 'function', 'address': 384}, {'signa
ture': '0x70a08231', 'outputs': [], 'stateMutability': None, 'name': 'balanceOf', 'constant': None, 'inputs': ['<bytes??>'], 'payable': True, 'type': 'function', 'address': 565}, {'signature': '0xa9059cbb', 'out
puts': [], 'stateMutability': None, 'name': 'transfer', 'constant': None, 'inputs': [{'type': 'address', 'name': 'arg0'}, {'type': 'uint256', 'name': 'arg1'}], 'payable': True, 'type': 'function', 'address': 619
}, {'signature': '0xd73dd623', 'outputs': [], 'stateMutability': None, 'name': 'increaseApproval', 'constant': None, 'inputs': ['bytes32', '<bytes??>'], 'payable': True, 'type': 'function', 'address': 655}]
detailed listing
python3 -m ethereum_dasm -a 0x44919b8026f38d70437a8eb3be47b06ab1c3e4bf -A --no-color
Inst addr hex gas | mnemonic operand xrefs description retval args
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- --------------------
0 [ 0 0x0000 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x60
1 [ 2 0x0002 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x40
2 [ 4 0x0004 ] 3 | MSTORE
3 [ 5 0x0005 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x04
4 [ 7 0x0007 ] 2 | CALLDATASIZE
5 [ 8 0x0008 ] 3 | LT
6 [ 9 0x0009 ] 3 | PUSH2 0x0048
7 [ 12 0x000c ] 10 | JUMPI @0x48
8 [ 13 0x000d ] 3 | PUSH4 0xffffffff
9 [ 18 0x0012 ] 3 | PUSH1 0xe0
10 [ 20 0x0014 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x02
11 [ 22 0x0016 ] 10 | EXP
12 [ 23 0x0017 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x00
13 [ 25 0x0019 ] 3 | CALLDATALOAD
14 [ 26 0x001a ] 5 | DIV
15 [ 27 0x001b ] 3 | AND
16 [ 28 0x001c ] 3 | PUSH4 0x124c32a1 --> 'function enter(bytes32,bytes8)'
17 [ 33 0x0021 ] 3 | DUP2
18 [ 34 0x0022 ] 3 | EQ
19 [ 35 0x0023 ] 3 | PUSH2 0x004d
20 [ 38 0x0026 ] 10 | JUMPI @0x4d
21 [ 39 0x0027 ] 3 | DUP1
22 [ 40 0x0028 ] 3 | PUSH4 0x60643652 --> 'function maxEntrants()'
23 [ 45 0x002d ] 3 | EQ
24 [ 46 0x002e ] 3 | PUSH2 0x0095
25 [ 49 0x0031 ] 10 | JUMPI @0x95
26 [ 50 0x0032 ] 3 | DUP1
27 [ 51 0x0033 ] 3 | PUSH4 0x694463a2 --> 'function totalEntrants()'
28 [ 56 0x0038 ] 3 | EQ
29 [ 57 0x0039 ] 3 | PUSH2 0x00be
30 [ 60 0x003c ] 10 | JUMPI @0xbe
31 [ 61 0x003d ] 3 | DUP1
32 [ 62 0x003e ] 3 | PUSH4 0x90ae631d --> 'function assignAll()'
33 [ 67 0x0043 ] 3 | EQ
34 [ 68 0x0044 ] 3 | PUSH2 0x00d1
35 [ 71 0x0047 ] 10 | JUMPI @0xd1
36 [ 72 0x0048 ] 1 | JUMPDEST JUMPI@0xc
37 [ 73 0x0049 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x00
38 [ 75 0x004b ] 3 | DUP1
39 [ 76 0x004c ] 0 | REVERT
function enter(bytes32,bytes8)
payable: False
inputs: (2) ['bytes32', '<bytes??>']
potential signatures: ['enter(bytes32,bytes8)']
40 [ 77 0x004d ] 1 | JUMPDEST JUMPI@0x26
41 [ 78 0x004e ] 2 | CALLVALUE
this execution.
42 [ 79 0x004f ] 3 | ISZERO
43 [ 80 0x0050 ] 3 | PUSH2 0x0058
44 [ 83 0x0053 ] 10 | JUMPI @0x58
45 [ 84 0x0054 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x00
46 [ 86 0x0056 ] 3 | DUP1
47 [ 87 0x0057 ] 0 | REVERT
48 [ 88 0x0058 ] 1 | JUMPDEST JUMPI@0x53
49 [ 89 0x0059 ] 3 | PUSH2 0x0081
50 [ 92 0x005c ] 3 | PUSH1 0x04
51 [ 94 0x005e ] 3 | CALLDATALOAD
52 [ 95 0x005f ] 3 | PUSH24 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
53 [ 120 0x0078 ] 3 | NOT
54 [ 121 0x0079 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x24
55 [ 123 0x007b ] 3 | CALLDATALOAD
56 [ 124 0x007c ] 3 | AND
57 [ 125 0x007d ] 3 | PUSH2 0x00e4
58 [ 128 0x0080 ] 8 | JUMP @0xe4
59 [ 129 0x0081 ] 1 | JUMPDEST
60 [ 130 0x0082 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x40
61 [ 132 0x0084 ] 3 | MLOAD
62 [ 133 0x0085 ] 3 | SWAP1
63 [ 134 0x0086 ] 3 | ISZERO
64 [ 135 0x0087 ] 3 | ISZERO
65 [ 136 0x0088 ] 3 | DUP2
66 [ 137 0x0089 ] 3 | MSTORE
67 [ 138 0x008a ] 3 | PUSH1 0x20
68 [ 140 0x008c ] 3 | ADD
69 [ 141 0x008d ] 3 | PUSH1 0x40
70 [ 143 0x008f ] 3 | MLOAD
71 [ 144 0x0090 ] 3 | DUP1
72 [ 145 0x0091 ] 3 | SWAP2
73 [ 146 0x0092 ] 3 | SUB
74 [ 147 0x0093 ] 3 | SWAP1
75 [ 148 0x0094 ] 0 | RETURN
function maxEntrants()
payable: False
inputs: (0) []
potential signatures: ['maxEntrants()']
76 [ 149 0x0095 ] 1 | JUMPDEST JUMPI@0x31
77 [ 150 0x0096 ] 2 | CALLVALUE
this execution.
78 [ 151 0x0097 ] 3 | ISZERO
79 [ 152 0x0098 ] 3 | PUSH2 0x00a0
80 [ 155 0x009b ] 10 | JUMPI @0xa0
81 [ 156 0x009c ] 3 | PUSH1 0x00
82 [ 158 0x009e ] 3 | DUP1
83 [ 159 0x009f ] 0 | REVERT
84 [ 160 0x00a0 ] 1 | JUMPDEST JUMPI@0x9b
85 [ 161 0x00a1 ] 3 | PUSH2 0x00a8
86 [ 164 0x00a4 ] 3 | PUSH2 0x0314
87 [ 167 0x00a7 ] 8 | JUMP @0x314
88 [ 168 0x00a8 ] 1 | JUMPDEST
89 [ 169 0x00a9 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x40
90 [ 171 0x00ab ] 3 | MLOAD
91 [ 172 0x00ac ] 3 | PUSH1 0xff
92 [ 174 0x00ae ] 3 | SWAP1
93 [ 175 0x00af ] 3 | SWAP2
94 [ 176 0x00b0 ] 3 | AND
95 [ 177 0x00b1 ] 3 | DUP2
96 [ 178 0x00b2 ] 3 | MSTORE
97 [ 179 0x00b3 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x20
98 [ 181 0x00b5 ] 3 | ADD
99 [ 182 0x00b6 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x40
100 [ 184 0x00b8 ] 3 | MLOAD
101 [ 185 0x00b9 ] 3 | DUP1
102 [ 186 0x00ba ] 3 | SWAP2
103 [ 187 0x00bb ] 3 | SUB
104 [ 188 0x00bc ] 3 | SWAP1
105 [ 189 0x00bd ] 0 | RETURN
function totalEntrants()
payable: False
inputs: (0) []
potential signatures: ['totalEntrants()']
106 [ 190 0x00be ] 1 | JUMPDEST JUMPI@0x3c
107 [ 191 0x00bf ] 2 | CALLVALUE
this execution.
108 [ 192 0x00c0 ] 3 | ISZERO
109 [ 193 0x00c1 ] 3 | PUSH2 0x00c9
110 [ 196 0x00c4 ] 10 | JUMPI @0xc9
111 [ 197 0x00c5 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x00
112 [ 199 0x00c7 ] 3 | DUP1
113 [ 200 0x00c8 ] 0 | REVERT
114 [ 201 0x00c9 ] 1 | JUMPDEST JUMPI@0xc4
115 [ 202 0x00ca ] 3 | PUSH2 0x00a8
116 [ 205 0x00cd ] 3 | PUSH2 0x031a
117 [ 208 0x00d0 ] 8 | JUMP @0x31a
function assignAll()
payable: False
inputs: (0) []
potential signatures: ['assignAll()']
118 [ 209 0x00d1 ] 1 | JUMPDEST JUMPI@0x47
119 [ 210 0x00d2 ] 2 | CALLVALUE
this execution.
120 [ 211 0x00d3 ] 3 | ISZERO
121 [ 212 0x00d4 ] 3 | PUSH2 0x00dc
122 [ 215 0x00d7 ] 10 | JUMPI @0xdc
123 [ 216 0x00d8 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x00
124 [ 218 0x00da ] 3 | DUP1
125 [ 219 0x00db ] 0 | REVERT
126 [ 220 0x00dc ] 1 | JUMPDEST JUMPI@0xd7
127 [ 221 0x00dd ] 3 | PUSH2 0x0081
128 [ 224 0x00e0 ] 3 | PUSH2 0x0320
129 [ 227 0x00e3 ] 8 | JUMP @0x320
130 [ 228 0x00e4 ] 1 | JUMPDEST JUMP@0x80
131 [ 229 0x00e5 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x00
132 [ 231 0x00e7 ] 2 | ORIGIN
133 [ 232 0x00e8 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x01
134 [ 234 0x00ea ] 3 | PUSH1 0xa0
135 [ 236 0x00ec ] 3 | PUSH1 0x02
136 [ 238 0x00ee ] 10 | EXP
137 [ 239 0x00ef ] 3 | SUB
138 [ 240 0x00f0 ] 3 | AND
139 [ 241 0x00f1 ] 2 | CALLER
directly responsible for this execution.
140 [ 242 0x00f2 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x01
141 [ 244 0x00f4 ] 3 | PUSH1 0xa0
142 [ 246 0x00f6 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x02
143 [ 248 0x00f8 ] 10 | EXP
144 [ 249 0x00f9 ] 3 | SUB
145 [ 250 0x00fa ] 3 | AND
146 [ 251 0x00fb ] 3 | EQ
147 [ 252 0x00fc ] 3 | ISZERO
148 [ 253 0x00fd ] 3 | ISZERO
149 [ 254 0x00fe ] 3 | ISZERO
150 [ 255 0x00ff ] 3 | PUSH2 0x0107
151 [ 258 0x0102 ] 10 | JUMPI @0x107
152 [ 259 0x0103 ] 3 | PUSH1 0x00
153 [ 261 0x0105 ] 3 | DUP1
154 [ 262 0x0106 ] 0 | REVERT
954 [1493 0x05d5 ] 1 | JUMPDEST JUMPI@0x5c9
955 [1494 0x05d6 ] 2 | POP
956 [1495 0x05d7 ] 3 | SWAP1
957 [1496 0x05d8 ] 8 | JUMP
958 [1497 0x05d9 ] 0 | STOP
959 [1498 0x05da ] 750 | LOG1 0x65
960 [1500 0x05dc ] 3 | PUSH3 0x7a7a72
961 [1504 0x05e0 ] 2 | ADDRESS
962 [1505 0x05e1 ] 2 | PC
963 [1506 0x05e2 ] 30 | SHA3
964 [1507 0x05e3 ] -1 | UNKNOWN_0xf
965 [1508 0x05e4 ] 3 | SWAP4
966 [1509 0x05e5 ] 3 | SWAP14
967 [1510 0x05e6 ] 2 | CALLDATASIZE
968 [1511 0x05e7 ] -1 | UNKNOWN_0xe1
969 [1512 0x05e8 ] -1 | UNKNOWN_0xcb
970 [1513 0x05e9 ] 3 | PUSH22 0xc68ec825da862dc7082ea12aea89eb3783b2e0423cd2
971 [1536 0x0600 ] 30 | SHA3
972 [1537 0x0601 ] -1 | UNKNOWN_0x28
973 [1538 0x0602 ] 3 | PUSH16 0x0029
reconstructed ABI:
[{'name': 'enter', 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'signature': '0x124c32a1', 'payable': False, 'inputs': [{'name': '_passcode', 'type': 'bytes32'}, {'name': '_gateKey', 'type': 'bytes8'}], 'constant': False, 'type': 'function', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'bool'}]}, {'name': 'maxEntrants', 'stateMutability': 'pure', 'signature': '0x60643652', 'payable': False, 'inputs': [], 'constant': True, 'type': 'function', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'uint8'}]}, {'name': 'totalEntrants', 'stateMutability': 'view', 'signature': '0x694463a2', 'payable': False, 'inputs': [], 'constant': True, 'type': 'function', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'uint8'}]}, {'name': 'assignAll', 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'signature': '0x90ae631d', 'payable': False, 'inputs': [], 'constant': False, 'type': 'function', 'outputs': [{'name': '', 'type': 'bool'}]}, {'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'type': 'constructor', 'payable': False, 'inputs': []}]
decompile to pseudocode
python3 -m ethereum_dasm -a 0x44919b8026f38d70437a8eb3be47b06ab1c3e4bf --simplify #[--simplify-show-asm, --simplify-show-unreachable]
memory[0x40] = 0x60
if (Not(ULE(0x4, 1_calldatasize))) goto LOC_0x48
if (And(If(1_calldatasize <= 0x3, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x3]) == 0xa1,
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x2, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x2]) == 0x32,
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x1, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x1]) == 0x4c,
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x0, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x0]) == 0x12)) goto function_enter (LOC_0x4d)
if (And(If(1_calldatasize <= 0x3, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x3]) == 0x52,
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x2, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x2]) == 0x36,
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x1, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x1]) == 0x64,
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x0, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x0]) == 0x60)) goto function_maxEntrants (LOC_0x95)
if (And(If(1_calldatasize <= 0x3, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x3]) == 0xa2,
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x2, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x2]) == 0x63,
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x1, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x1]) == 0x44,
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x0, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x0]) == 0x69)) goto function_totalEntrants (LOC_0xbe)
if (And(If(1_calldatasize <= 0x3, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x3]) == 0x1d,
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x2, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x2]) == 0x63,
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x1, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x1]) == 0xae,
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x0, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x0]) == 0x90)) goto function_assignAll (LOC_0xd1)
REVERT(offset=0x0, size=0x0)
/******* <<terminates execution>> *******/
:function_enter (LOC_0x4d)
function enter(bytes32,bytes8)
payable: False
inputs: (2) ['bytes32', '<bytes??>']
potential signatures: ['enter(bytes32,bytes8)']
if (call_value1 == 0x0) goto LOC_0x58
REVERT(offset=0x0, size=0x0)
/******* <<terminates execution>> *******/
goto LOC_0xe4
:function_maxEntrants (LOC_0x95)
function maxEntrants()
payable: False
inputs: (0) []
potential signatures: ['maxEntrants()']
if (call_value1 == 0x0) goto LOC_0xa0
REVERT(offset=0x0, size=0x0)
/******* <<terminates execution>> *******/
goto LOC_0x314
memory[0x60] = 0xfa
RETURN(offset=0x60, size=0x20)
/******* <<terminates execution>> *******/
:function_totalEntrants (LOC_0xbe)
function totalEntrants()
payable: False
inputs: (0) []
potential signatures: ['totalEntrants()']
if (call_value1 == 0x0) goto LOC_0xc9
REVERT(offset=0x0, size=0x0)
/******* <<terminates execution>> *******/
goto LOC_0x31a
:function_assignAll (LOC_0xd1)
function assignAll()
payable: False
inputs: (0) []
potential signatures: ['assignAll()']
if (call_value1 == 0x0) goto LOC_0xdc
REVERT(offset=0x0, size=0x0)
/******* <<terminates execution>> *******/
goto LOC_0x320
if (Not(Extract(159, 0, origin1) ==
0xdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef)) goto LOC_0x107
REVERT(offset=0x0, size=0x0)
/******* <<terminates execution>> *******/
if (True) goto LOC_0x114
if (bvurem_i(1_gas, 0x1fff) == 0x0) goto LOC_0x11f
REVERT(offset=0x0, size=0x0)
/******* <<terminates execution>> *******/
if (And(If(1_calldatasize <= 0x29, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x29]) == 0x0,
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x28, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x28]) == 0x0)) goto LOC_0x154
REVERT(offset=0x0, size=0x0)
/******* <<terminates execution>> *******/
if (Not(And(If(1_calldatasize <= 0x27, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x27]) ==
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x26, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x26]) ==
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x25, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x25]) ==
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x24, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x24]) ==
0x0))) goto LOC_0x18f
REVERT(offset=0x0, size=0x0)
/******* <<terminates execution>> *******/
if (And(Extract(7, 0, origin1) ==
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x2b, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x2b]),
Extract(15, 8, origin1) ==
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x2a, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x2a]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x29, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x29]) == 0x0,
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x28, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x28]) == 0x0)) goto LOC_0x1c0
REVERT(offset=0x0, size=0x0)
/******* <<terminates execution>> *******/
if (True) goto LOC_0x1d1
memory[0x0] = 0xdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef
memory[0x20] = 0x3
if (True) goto LOC_0x1f7
memory[0x0] = Concat(0x0, Extract(159, 0, origin1))
memory[0x20] = 0x3
if (True) goto LOC_0x21d
memory[0x60] = Concat(If(1_calldatasize <= 0x4, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x4]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x5, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x5]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x6, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x6]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x7, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x7]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x8, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x8]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x9, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x9]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0xa, 0x0, 1_calldata[0xa]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0xb, 0x0, 1_calldata[0xb]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0xc, 0x0, 1_calldata[0xc]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0xd, 0x0, 1_calldata[0xd]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0xe, 0x0, 1_calldata[0xe]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0xf, 0x0, 1_calldata[0xf]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x10, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x10]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x11, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x11]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x12, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x12]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x13, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x13]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x14, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x14]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x15, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x15]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x16, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x16]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x17, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x17]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x18, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x18]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x19, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x19]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x1a, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x1a]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x1b, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x1b]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x1c, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x1c]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x1d, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x1d]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x1e, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x1e]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x1f, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x1f]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x20, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x20]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x21, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x21]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x22, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x22]),
If(1_calldatasize <= 0x23, 0x0, 1_calldata[0x23]))
memory[0x0] = KECCAC[If(1_calldatasize_<=_0x4,_0x0,_1_calldata[0x4])]
memory[0x20] = 0x4
if (False) goto LOC_0x257
REVERT(offset=0x0, size=0x0)
/******* <<terminates execution>> *******/
goto LOC_0xa8
goto LOC_0xa8
if (False) goto LOC_0x338
REVERT(offset=0x0, size=0x0)
/******* <<terminates execution>> *******/