Engage Voice Audio Streaming Quick Test Package
This package is to test basic functionality of Engage Voice Audio Streaming feature by using Google Cloud Speech-To-Text Service
Getting Started
1. Enable Google Cloud Speech-To-Text Service
After above steps, you will get a JSON key file in your local drive. Create a new environment variable with name as 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS' and value as your file path(including file name).
2. Install This Package
- Create a new folder and do:
pip install ev_audio_streaming_transcription_py
- Create a new file
with code below in it:
from ev_audio_streaming_transcription_py import server
import asyncio
if __name__ == "__main__":
- Run the script
- Install ngrok or other similar web tunneling tool, and run:
ngrok http 3333
You'll get a HTTPS address. Replace 'HTTPS' with 'WSS' and that is the address to be uploaded to your streaming profile.