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The eventzAPI supports a Python micro services infrastructure.
It employs publish and subscribe messaging using AMQP messaging (RabbitMQ) & Event Sourcing.
It provides support for Qt,tkinter or wxPython GUIs.
A Librarian Client supports querying an indelible event store (Archive).
The API requires that a RabbitMQ server be accessible and if a master archive is needed, an Archivist and Librarian available through Docker Hub.
To use eventzAPI in an application example code follows:
from eventzAPI import ApplicationInitializer
Class Main(object):
def initialize_eventz(self):
subscriptions = [< A list of event record types that the application subscribes to eg. [250001.00", "250002.00"]>]
publications = [< A list of event record types that the application publishes eg. [250011.00", "250022.00"]>]
application_id = < A UUID unique to this application eg.'65aa1c62-0991-48b7-a52c-1140c73582ce'>
application_name = 'Your application name'
user_id = 'Your user name if there is one, otherwise an empty string (Needed for ApplicationInitializer)'
# Instantiate the Application Initializer that will generate the objects needed to access the API's methods
ai = ApplicationInitializer(subscriptions, publications, application_id, application_name, self.settings_path,
# Get the objects
self.a_publisher, self.a_subscriber, self.a_logger, self.a_librarian_client, self.eventz_utilities, self.parameters = ai.initialize()
# The initializer generates a session Id (UUID_) which is included in an event record metadata. Useful in separating events messages
# Meant for your instance of the application
self.my_session_id = str(self.parameters.session_id)
# Inform the universe that this application instance has started.
eventz_utilities.start_application(self.a_publisher, user_id)