- A program for basic frontal face detection using Pillow and OpenCV.
✍️ Introduction
- A package inspired by UMich Coursera's Python Specialization.
is simply a package that will take in a zip file of images in any format (.JPG or .PNG) and attempt to detect faces. This will crop the faces and return them to a canvas. Try out the package using the data sample zip files provided with the package.- This package is highly experimental and might be totally useless for some people.
- Hope this helps someone as much as it helped me in mastering python.
⏬ Installation
- See below for installation details.
Development version
pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ faced==0.0.4
PyPi Version
pip install faced
import faced
🛂 Quality Control (QC)
- Utilized inbuilt unit testing to test results vs expectations and everything seems to work just fine.
Running this package means you will need your own tesseract engine for text identification. Install it and point your system to the executable.
The program also requires an in built classifier and this might or might not work for OS other than windows. I will check on that later but that is all for now.
🎇 Epilogue
- Working on CamFaceD which is a dynamic faced platform. CamFaceD can be used to train face detection although on a limited capacity. More to learn on this but steadily making progress and grateful for what I have learned so far.