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What is it and what is it for
Fastipy is a fast and easy-to-use open source Python library for developing RESTful APIs.
Powered by uvicorn
pip install fastipy
Example for GET Route with Query Params
from fastipy import Fastipy, Request, Reply
app = Fastipy()
def home(req: Request, _):
age = req.query["age"]
print("<h1>Retrieving all persons</h1><ul><li>A Person</li></ul>")
Example for GET Route with Params, CORS and multiple methods
from fastipy import Fastipy, Request, Reply
app = Fastipy().cors()
async def getUser(req: Request, reply: Reply):
for i in users:
if i["id"] == req.params["id"]:
return await reply.send(i)
await reply.send_code(404)
Example for POST Route with Body
from fastipy import Fastipy, Request, Reply
app = Fastipy()"/user")
async def createUser(req: Request, reply: Reply):
user = req.body.json
await reply.code(201).send("Created")
Example for PUT Route with Body
from fastipy import Fastipy, Request, Reply
app = Fastipy()
async def createUser(req: Request, reply: Reply):
user = req.body.json
await reply.type("text/html").code(201).send("<h1>Created</h1>")
Example for GET Route with file stream
from fastipy import Fastipy, Request, Reply
app = Fastipy()
async def streamFile(_, reply: Reply):
def generator():
with open("file.txt") as f:
for line in f:
yield line
await reply.send(generator())
Adding custom serializer to Reply send
from fastipy import Fastipy, Request, Reply
app = Fastipy()
validation=lambda data: isinstance(data, str),
serializer=lambda data: ("application/json", json.dumps({"error": data})),
async def customSerializer(_, reply: Reply):
await reply.code(404).send("Field not found")
Running Fastipy application in development is easy
import uvicorn
if __name__ == "__main__":"main:app", log_level="debug", port=8000, reload=True, loop="asyncio")
See more examples in examples folder
Creating plugins
from fastipy import FastipyInstance, Reply
def chatRoutes(app: FastipyInstance, options: dict):
async def index(_, reply: Reply):
await reply.send_code(200)
async def test(_, reply: Reply):
await reply.send_code(200)
from fastipy import FastipyInstance, Reply
async def messageRoutes(app: FastipyInstance, options: dict):
async def index(_, reply: Reply):
await reply.send_code(200)
async def test(_, reply: Reply):
await reply.send_code(200)"custom plugin name")
from fastipy import Fastipy
from message import messageRoutes
from chat import chatRoutes
app = Fastipy().cors()
app.register(messageRoutes, {"prefix": "/message"})
app.register(chatRoutes, {"prefix": "/chat"})
from fastipy import Fastipy, Request, Reply
app = Fastipy()
def preHandler(req: Request, reply: Reply):
print("onRequest hook")
def onRequest(req: Request, reply: Reply):
print("onRequest hook")
def onResponse(req: Request, reply: Reply):
print("onResponse hook")
def onError(error: Exception, req: Request, reply: Reply):
print(f"onError hook exception: {error}")
async def index(_, reply: Reply):
await reply.send_code(200)
End to End tests
from fastipy import TestClient
from main import app
client = TestClient(app)
response ="/")
assert response.status_code == 200
assert response.text == "Hello World"
Application Deploy
For production deployment, please refer to this uvicorn guide.
Change Log
Development Version 1.5.4
How to Contributing
Open pull request