Flickr Pony
.. image:: https://api.travis-ci.org/ZuluPro/flickr-pony.svg
:target: https://travis-ci.org/ZuluPro/flickr-pony
.. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/ZuluPro/flickr-pony/badge.svg?branch=master&service=github
:target: https://coveralls.io/github/ZuluPro/flickr-pony?branch=master
This library provides a Django Storage
_ for use Flickr
_ in read and write
With 1To free and a thumbnail system, Flickr is a quite good solution for store
wide pictures in original format and retrieve them in smaller format
As Flickr is dedicated to photos/images, it is not a conventional
object-storge, we consider all pics from all users in the same bucket but
different directories. So what should a be directory path on other storages
will be a user ID in this one.
A classic :::
pip install flickr-pony
git clone https://github.com/ZuluPro/flickr-pony.git
cd flickr-pony
python setup.py develop
It isn't necessary to include data in settings.FLICKR_STORAGE_OPTIONS
, and
settings are explained below.
The storage can be configured with the following parameters, at instanciation or
by set a dictionary named FLICKR_STORAGE_OPTIONS
in your settings.py
api_key : Findable at
https://www.flickr.com/services/apps/create/apply/, it is the only one
mandatory data for read operations.
api_secret : Given with the API KEY
oauth_token_secret : Oauth access token, not request token
oauth_token_secret : Oauth access token secret, not request secret
user_id : Your personal User ID, findable at your Flickr web page.
It is the last part of URL example: 140893176@N07
. This data is useful
if you want to automatize action related to this user.
Get all authentication info may be really long and boring, we advise you
this page http://acme.com/flickr/authmap.html
This storage has a simple usage as define in Django Storage API plus others
method for play more easily with pictures. You can list a user's photos with: ::
>>> from flickr_pony.storage import FlickrStorage
>>> storage = FlickrStorage(api_key="myApiKey")
>>> storage.listdir('140893176@N07')
([], ['https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1586/25309081103_518e989396_o.jpg',
It will return image in original if you are allowed to get it, but it could be too
heavy for some usage, so you can use decide get it in "medium" format: ::
>>> storage.listdir('140893176@N07', original=False)
([], ['https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1586/25309081103_d132f2fa3f.jpg',
Or in "small" size: ::
>>> storage.listdir('140893176@N07', original=False, size='s')
([], ['https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1586/25309081103_d132f2fa3f.jpg',
For image gallery, you could also decide to list original and thumbnail: ::
>>> storage.list_image_and_thumb()
Uploading and deleting are available: ::
>>> from django.core.files import File
>>> with open('myPic', 'rb') as img:
... storage.save('picName', img)
>>> storage.delete('25839776716')
A demo project is available for testing and trying purpose, for use it: ::
git clone https://github.com/ZuluPro/flickr-pony-demo
cd flickr-pony-demo
pip install requirements.txt
cd demo_project
export FLICKR_API_KEY="YourFlickrApiKey" # Mandatory
# export FLICKR_USER_ID="YourFlickrUserId"
./manage runserver
You can also deploy it on Heroku:
.. image:: https://www.herokucdn.com/deploy/button.svg
:target: https://heroku.com/deploy?template=https://github.com/ZuluPro/flickr-pony-demo
All contribution are very welcomed, propositions, problems, bugs and
enhancement are tracked with GitHub issues
_ system and patch are submitted
via pull requests
We use Travis
_ coupled with Coveralls
_ as continious integration tools.
.. _Django Storage
: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/ref/files/storage/
.. _Flickr
: https://www.flickr.com
.. _GitHub issues
: https://github.com/ZuluPro/flickr-pony/issues
.. _pull requests
: https://github.com/ZuluPro/flickr-pony/pulls
.. _Travis: https://travis-ci.org/ZuluPro/flickr-pony
.. _Coveralls: https://coveralls.io/github/ZuluPro/flickr-pony