This program accepts FTP uploads (e.g. from a document scanner) and forwards them as emails via SMTP.
It'll terminate the FTP connection as fast as possible, this means directly after the upload has finished.
The email process will happen in a separate thread to not block the uploader.
It can do optional optical character recognition (OCR) for scanned PDFs and embed the read text into the PDF file
using the great pdfsandwich by Tobias Elze.
usage: ftpmail.py [-h] --from FROM_ADDR --to TO_ADDR --smtp-host SMTP_HOST
[--smtp-port SMTP_PORT] --smtp-user SMTP_USER --smtp-pass
SMTP_PASS --ftp-addr FTP_ADDR --ftp-port FTP_PORT
--ftp-pasv-min FTP_PASV_MIN --ftp-pasv-max FTP_PASV_MAX
[--ocr] [--ocr-lang OCR_LANG]
Send FTP uploads via SMTP.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--from FROM_ADDR Sender email address
--to TO_ADDR Recipient email address
--smtp-host SMTP_HOST
SMTP hostname
--smtp-port SMTP_PORT
SMTP port
--smtp-user SMTP_USER
SMTP username
--smtp-pass SMTP_PASS
SMTP password
--ftp-addr FTP_ADDR FTP server address which will be returned for PASV
--ftp-port FTP_PORT FTP port to bind to.
--ftp-pasv-min FTP_PASV_MIN
FTP PASV minimal port.
--ftp-pasv-max FTP_PASV_MAX
FTP PASV maximal port.
--ocr enable OCR (embeds a hidden text layer in PDF files)
--ocr-lang OCR_LANG OCR: language of the text; option to tesseract
(defaut: eng), e.g: eng, deu, deu-frak, fra, rus, swe,
spa, ita, ... Multiple languages may be specified,
separated by plus characters.