This module is built on top of Jishaku.
- Download jishaku
pip install -U "jishaku @ git+"
jejudo is an extension for bot developers that enables rapid prototyping, experimentation, and debugging of features for bots.
One of jejudo's core philosophies is to be dynamic and easy-to-use. Here's the two step install:
- Download jejudo on the command line using pip:
pip install -U jejudo
- Load the extension in your bot code before it runs:
await bot.load_extension('jejudo')
That's it!
You can also import the module to use the command development utilities.
Command reference
> jejudo [py|python] <argument>
The Python commands execute or evaluate Python code passed into them.
It supports simple expressions:
> jejudo py 3+4
Beep Bot
It also supports async expressions:
> jejudo py await _ctx.pins()
Beep Bot
[<Message id=123456789012345678 ...>, ...]
You can pass in codeblocks for longer blocks of code to execute, and you can use yield to return intermediate results within your processing.
The inspect variant of the command will return a codeblock with detailed inspection information on all objects returned.
The variables available by default in all execution contexts are:
_ctx |
The Context that invoked the command.
| _bot |
The running Bot instance.
| _author
_msg |
Shortcuts for attributes on _ctx .
| _find
_get |
Shortcuts for discord.utils functions.
The underscore prefix on the provided variables is intended to help prevent shadowing when writing large blocks of code within the command.
If you decide that you don't want the prefix, you can disable it by setting the jejudo_NO_UNDERSCORE environment variable to true .
Each Python command is individually scoped. That means variables you create won't be retained in later invocations.
> jejudo [sh|shell] <argument>
The shell command executes commands within your system shell.
If you're on Linux and are using a custom shell, jejudo will obey the SHELL environment variable, otherwise, it will use /bin/bash .
On Windows, jejudo will use PowerShell if it's detected, otherwise, it will use Command Prompt.
> jejudo [load|reload] [extensions...]
> jejudo unload [extensions...]
These commands load, reload, or unload extensions on your bot.
You can reload jejudo itself with jsk reload jejudo .
jsk reload ~ will reload all extensions on your bot.
You can load, reload, or unload multiple extensions at once: jsk reload cogs.two
> jejudo shutdown
This command gracefully shuts down your bot.
> jejudo rtt
This command calculates Round-Trip Time for your bot to the API. It does this by calculating response time samples, so you can tell if your bot is being slow or not.