Kaldi gRPC client
Python client library for Kaldi gRPC server. This client has similar - identical - semantics to the
Google speech Python library.
You can install from source
git clone https://github.com/georgepar/kaldi-grpc-server
cd client
pip install .
or from Pypi
pip install kaldigrpc-client
Usage from command line
We assume you have a server running on port 50051
. See kaldi-grpc-server
README for more
kaldigrpc-transcribe --port 50051 $MY_WAV_FILE
For long files we recommend using the streaming client
kaldigrpc-transcribe --streaming --port 50051 $MY_WAV_FILE
Programmatic usage
The following is a simple example for streaming recognition using the ILSPASRClient.
You can also refer to the code and the proto files for more configuration options and more outputs
(e.g. confidence, word start and end times etc.)
Warning: Some configuration options are included for compatibility / easy swapping with the Google Speech
client library but are not yet fully implemented. Please refer to the code for more details.
cli = ILSPASRClient(host="localhost", port=50051)
chunks = ...
for partial_result in cli.streaming_recognize(chunks):