A python telegram asynchronous bot api made using aiohttp.
This lib was earlier binded with httpx. But after the initial release we found it much slower than aiohttp.
So we switched to aiohttp
Getting started.
$ pip install keralagram
- While the API is production-ready, it is still under development, and it has regular updates, do not forget to update it regularly by calling
pip install keralagram --upgrade
Writing your first bot
Get an API token via @BotFather. We will call this token TOKEN
Furthermore, you have basic knowledge of the Python programming language and more importantly the Telegram Bot API.
A simple command bot
from keralagram import KeralaGram, Dispatcher
from keralagram.types import Message
bot = KeralaGram("TOKEN")
dp = Dispatcher(bot)
@dp.on_command("start", prefixes=["!", "/"])
async def start(c: KeralaGram, m: Message):
await m.reply_text("hello")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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