Kucoin-Cli: Pandas-oriented REST and Websocket Wrapper
A data science focused Python API implementation
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Why use this library over python-kucoin <https://github.com/sammchardy/python-kucoin>
_ or the official SDK <https://github.com/Kucoin/kucoin-python-sdk>
This package was written with an eye towards data science and quantitative trading strategies. Specifically designed for fast, efficient data acquisition and high complexity
trades such as HFT, market-making, and long-short strategies. Wherever possible, endpoints have been neatly wrapped to pandas DataFrames with key data
acquisition enpoints thoughtfully constructed with rich configurability reducing time needed to clean and filter data. Trading functions are
explicitly geared towards simplicity with seamless margin trade integration. Of special note, OHLCV acquisition from the KuCoin REST API has been overhauled
to enable the user to query multiple assets over extended time periods despite the standard enpoint's limitations of a single asset with a max 1500 bars of historic data. For large scale
ML projects, leverage the kucoincli.pipe
module for a one-line function capable of piping large amounts of OHLCV data directly into the user's SQL database solution.
- Automate the generation of a enormous SQL databases with
- Take complex trading algorithms live via websockets using
[work in progress] - Quickly obtain, clean, and organize large amounts of data for use in RL/ML models with
Disclaimer: This is an unofficial implementation of the KuCoin Rest and Websocket API v2. Use this package at your own risk.
| [ ] Finish writing documentation
| [ ] Clean-up websocket implemention and improve ease of use
| [ ] Add stop-loss order capabilities
| [ ] Add schema configuration functionality to data pipeline
| [ ] Add futures API access
| [ ] Develop an asynchronous REST client
One-line database pipeline. Open a high stability pipe from the KuCoin OHLC(V) endpoint to your SQL database
- Automatically creates database or adds to pre-existing db
- Capable of handling multi-day data acqusitions sessions through dynamic timeout mechanism
- Take a look at a pre-built example in the
folder available at my github <https://github.com/jaythequant/kucoin-cli>
Highly configurable data acquisition endpoints
- Spend less time cleaning and managing data
- Checkout
, .orderbook
, .symbols
, and .all_tickers
Access to 99%+ of KuCoin REST and Websocket endpoints
Seamless order management between Spot and Margin markets
- Register for an account at
KuCoin <https://www.kucoin.com/>
_ Generate an API <https://www.kucoin.com/account/api>
_- Download kucoin-cli using pip
.. code-block:: bash
pip install kucoin-cli
4. Try out some functions!
.. code-block:: python
from kucoincli.client import Client
Your own credentials here
api_key = 'api_key'
api_secret = 'api_secret'
api_passphrase = 'api_passphrase'
client = Client(api_key, api_secret, api_passphrase)
Pull details for all marginable currencies quoted in BTC terms
marginable_btc_curr = client.symbols(quote="BTC", marginable=True)
Pull buy/sell orders for BTC-USDT
order_df = client.get_order_histories("BTC-USDT")
Query one month of minutely data for BTC-USDT and ETH-USDT
ohlcv_df = client.ohlcv(
tickers=["BTC-USDT", "ETH-USDT"],
Buy 500 USDT of ETH at market price on the spot market
order = client.order(
Place a 10 minute Good-to-Time margin limit sell order for 1 BTC @ 24,000 USDT
order = client.order(
Obtain the full orderbook depth for XRP-USDT as a namedtuple containing numpy arrays
orderbook = client.orderbook("XRP-USDT", depth="full", format="numpy")
Specify format="pd"
to obtain an identical result wrapped in a pandas dataframe
orderbook = client.orderbook("XRP-USDT", depth="full", format="pd")
Why KuCoin <https://www.kucoin.com/>
- For U.S. based customers, KuCoin is one of the few non-KYC exchanges
- Industry low transactions fees
- High liquidity across coins and a wide offering of alts
- Frequent new coin listings
Consider donating:
| Etherium Wallet: 0x109CcCCEc0449E80336039c983e969DD23B9CE3E
| Bitcoin Wallet: 3L47AT1SoLGs65RFHYBdVmbCdtQNxZFry6
Distributions & Info:
KuCoin-Cli Documentation on readthedocs <https://kucoin-cli.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>
_Kucoin-Cli on PyPI <https://pypi.org/project/kucoin-cli/>
_Kucoin-Cli on Github <https://github.com/jaythequant/kucoin-cli>
_Official Kucoin API Documenation <https://docs.kucoin.com/#general>