Lyrics Transcriber 🎶
Automatically create synchronised lyrics files in ASS and MidiCo LRC formats with word-level timestamps, using OpenAI Whisper and lyrics from Genius and Spotify, for convenience in use cases such as karaoke video production.
Features 🌟
- Automatically transcribe lyrics with word-level timestamps.
- Outputs lyrics in ASS and MidiCo LRC formats.
- Can fetch lyrics from with Genius and Spotify.
- Command Line Interface (CLI) for easy usage.
- Can be included and used in other Python projects.
Installation 🛠️
- Python 3.9 or higher
- [Optional] Genius API token if you want to fetch lyrics from Genius
- [Optional] Spotify cookie value if you want to fetch lyrics from Spotify
- [Optional] OpenAI API token if you want to use LLM correction of the transcribed lyrics
- [Optional] AudioShake API token if you want to use a much higher quality (but paid) API for lyrics transcription
pip install lyrics-transcriber
The package published to PyPI was created by manually editing poetry.lock
to remove triton, as it is technically a sub-dependency from openai-whisper but is currently only supported on Linux (whisper still works fine without it, and I want this package to be usable on any platform)
You can use the pre-built container image beveradb/lyrics-transcriber:0.16.0
on Docker hub if you want, here's an example:
docker run \
-v `pwd`/input:/input \
-v `pwd`/output:/output \
beveradb/lyrics-transcriber:0.16.0 \
--log_level debug \
--output_dir /output \
--render_video \
--video_background_image /input/your-background-image.png \
--video_resolution 360p \
Usage 🚀
As a standalone CLI
- To transcribe lyrics from an audio file:
lyrics-transcriber /path/to/your/audiofile.mp3
- To specify Genius API token, song artist, and song title for auto-correction:
lyrics-transcriber /path/to/your/audiofile.mp3 --genius_api_token YOUR_API_TOKEN --artist "Artist Name" --title "Song Title"
As a Python package in your project
- Import LyricsTranscriber in your Python script:
from lyrics_transcriber import LyricsTranscriber
- Create an instance and use it:
transcriber = LyricsTranscriber(audio_filepath='path_to_audio.mp3')
result_metadata = transcriber.generate()
result_metadata contains values as such:
result_metadata = {
"whisper_json_filepath": str,
"genius_lyrics": str,
"genius_lyrics_filepath": str,
"midico_lrc_filepath": str,
"singing_percentage": int,
"total_singing_duration": int,
"song_duration": int,
Requirements 📋
- Python >= 3.9
- Python Poetry
- Dependencies are listed in pyproject.toml
Local Development 💻
To work on the Lyrics Transcriber project locally, you need Python 3.9 or higher. It's recommended to create a virtual environment using poetry.
- Clone the repo and cd into it.
- Install poetry if you haven’t already.
- Run poetry install to install the dependencies.
- Run poetry shell to activate the virtual environment.
Contributing 🤝
Contributions are very much welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes, and I'll try to review, merge and publish promptly!
- This project is 100% open-source and free for anyone to use and modify as they wish.
- If the maintenance workload for this repo somehow becomes too much for me I'll ask for volunteers to share maintainership of the repo, though I don't think that is very likely
License 📄
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Credits 🙏
- This project uses OpenAI Whisper for transcription, which inspired the entire tool!
- Thanks to @linto-ai for the whisper-timestamped project which solved a big chunk for me.
- Thanks to Genius for providing an API which makes fetching lyrics easier!
Contact 💌
For questions or feedback, please raise an issue or reach out to @beveradb (Andrew Beveridge) directly.