Digital terrain map manipulation library.
High level scripts to convert, transform, manipulate small and large imagery
using GDAL in python to cover part of the needs of the NASA/ESA Frontier
Development Lab with respect to Space Resources challenges.
Quick install
pip install mapstery
For developers, you might like to install the last version from git. So if you've
cloned Mapstery in a folder called mapstery_repo
then you could do the following:
pip install mapstery_repo/
NB: Make sure the gdal python package version correspond to the system gdal library.
If you have GDAL python installation problems you may have to match versions between
gdal system libraries and gdal python package, one way or another.
Quick start
import mapstery
import numpy as np
M = mapstery.Map(500, 500)
M.add_band(np.ones((35,50))*128.0, "BAND_NAME_01")
M.add_band(np.ones((80,150))*89.0, "BAND_NAME_02")"/tmp/mastery_test0.gtif")
Another example, combining layers
import mapstery
import numpy as np
M = mapstery.Map(500, 500)
Json file example: layers.json
# LRO1.png - file path
Dev infos
You can write your own scripts in tests/
starting with the dev_ prefix so that they are ignored by git.