pip install mollie_api_extract
Authentication: You need to pass API key in each function call. No pre-authorization is needed. You may want to store API Key in an environmental variable to avoid displaying it in each function call. In the current version 1.0.1, there are three functions:
from mollie_api_extract import mollie_payments
payments_data = mollie_payments('access_token','account_name')
This function will fetch all data from payments endpoint. access_token is a compulsory field and account_name is optional e.g. mollie_payments('xxxxyyyyy','My Company GmbH') or just mollie_payments('xxxxyyyyy'). Each API call will fetch 250 rows(max limit) until full extract is complete. As the full extract can run for long duration, after each API call it will print going to next API requests for 250 rows.. so that the end user can see the progress.
The output will be a dataframe with following fields:
['mollie_account', 'profileId', 'resource', 'id', 'mode', 'createdAt',
'status', 'amount_value', 'amount_currency', 'method', 'locale',
'sequenceType', 'description', 'details', 'is_cancellable',
'authorized_at', 'paid_at', 'expires_at', 'expired_at', 'failed_at',
'amount_refunded', 'amount_refund_currency', 'amount_remaining',
'amount_remaining_currency', 'amount_captured',
'amount_captured_currency', 'metadata', 'metadata_order_id',
'metadata_refund_token', 'metadata_customer_id',
'restricted_to_country', 'country_code', 'settlement_id', 'customer_id',
'mandate_id', 'subscription_id', 'order_id',
'application_fee_amount_value', 'application_fee_amount_currency',
'application_fee_description', 'settlement_amount',
'settlement_amount_currency', 'links', 'redirectUrl', 'webhook_url']
from mollie_api_extract import mollie_refunds
refunds_data = mollie_refunds('access_token','account_name')
This function will fetch all data from refunds endpoint. access_token is a compulsory field and account_name is optional e.g. mollie_refunds('xxxxyyyyy','My Company GmbH') or just mollie_refunds('xxxxyyyyy'). Each API call will fetch 250 rows until full extract is complete.
The output will be a dataframe with following fields:
['resource', 'id', 'amount', 'status', 'createdAt', 'description',
'metadata', 'paymentId', 'settlementId', 'settlementAmount', '_links',
'mollie_account', 'amount_value', 'amount_currency']
from mollie_api_extract import mollie_refund
refunds_data = mollie_refund('payment_id','refund_id','access_token')
This function will fetch exactly one refund for which the payment_id and refund_id is given. All three parameters need to be passed. e.g. mollie_refund('paymentxxx','refundyyy','tokenzzz')
The output will be a dataframe with following fields:
['resource', 'id', 'amount', 'status', 'createdAt', 'description',
'metadata', 'paymentId', 'settlementId', 'settlementAmount', '_links']