Python 2/3 and IPython 4 / Jupyter compatible!
Convert IPython Notebooks to markdown (and back)
notedown <>
__ is a simple tool to
create IPython notebooks <>
__ from
markdown (and r-markdown).
separates your markdown into code and not code. Code blocks
(fenced or indented) go into input cells, everything else goes into
markdown cells.
notedown > output.ipynb
pip install notedown
or the latest on github:
pip install
Conversion to markdown
Convert a notebook into markdown, stripping all outputs:
notedown input.ipynb --to markdown --strip >
Convert a notebook into markdown, with output JSON intact:
notedown input.ipynb --to markdown >
The outputs are placed as JSON in a code-block immediately after the
corresponding input code-block. ``notedown`` understands this convention
as well, so it is possible to convert this markdown-with-json back into
a notebook.
This means it is possible to edit markdown, convert to notebook, play
around a bit and convert back to markdown.
NB: currently, notebook and cell metadata is not preserved in the
Strip the output cells from markdown:
notedown --to markdown --strip >
Running an IPython Notebook
notedown --run > executed_notebook.ipynb
Editing in the browser (new!)
You can configure IPython / Jupyter to seamlessly use markdown as its
storage format. Add the following to your config file:
c.NotebookApp.contents_manager_class = 'notedown.NotedownContentsManager'
Now you can edit your markdown files in the browser, execute code,
create plots - all stored in markdown!
For Jupyter, your config file is ```` in
``~/.jupyter``. For IPython your config is
```` in your ipython profile (probably
You can use ``notedown`` to convert r-markdown as well. We just need to
tell ``notedown`` to use `knitr <>`__ to convert the
r-markdown. This requires that you have R installed with
`knitr <>`__.
Convert r-markdown into markdown:
notedown input.Rmd --to markdown --knit >
Convert r-markdown into an IPython notebook:
notedown input.Rmd --knit > output.ipynb
- ``--rmagic`` will add ``%load_ext rpy2.ipython`` at the start of the
notebook, allowing you to execute code cells using the rmagic
extension (requires `rpy2 <>`__). notedown
does the appropriate ``%R`` cell magic automatically.
Fenced code blocks annotated with a language other than python are read
into cells using IPython's ``%%`` `cell
magic <>`__.
You can disable this with ``--nomagic``.
- ``--pre`` lets you add arbitrary code to the start of the notebook.
``notedown --pre '%matplotlib inline' 'import numpy as np'``
How do I put a literal code block in my markdown?
By using the --match
argument. notedown
defaults to converting
all code-blocks into code-cells. This behaviour can be changed by
giving a different argument to --match
: convert all code blocks (the default)
: only convert fenced code blocks
: only convert fenced code blocks with 'language'
as the syntax specifier (or any member of the block attributes)
: only convert code blocks with Pandoc style
attributes containing 'python' and 'input' as classes. i.e. code
blocks must look like
```{.python .input}
This isn't very interactive!
Try editing the markdown in the IPython Notebook using the
``NotedownContentsManager`` (see above).
You can get an interactive ipython session in vim by using
`vim-ipython <>`__, which allows
you to connect to a running ipython kernel. You can send code from vim
to ipython and get code completion from the running kernel. Try it!
Where's my syntax highlighting?!
Try using either
vim-markdown <>
__ or
vim-pandoc <>
__. Both are
clever enough to highlight code in markdown.
Rendering outputs in markdown
This is experimental!
Convert a notebook into markdown, rendering cell outputs as native
markdown elements:
notedown input.ipynb --render
This means that e.g. png outputs become ``![](data-uri)`` images and
that text is placed in the document.
Of course, you can use this in conjuntion with runipy to produce
markdown-with-code-and-figures from markdown-with-code:
notedown --run --render >
Not a notebook in sight!
The ``--render`` flag forces the output format to markdown.
- [x] Python 3 support
- [x] unicode support
- [x] IPython 3 support
- [x] IPython 4 (Jupyter) support
- [ ] Allow kernel specification