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Account Financial Reports Block PDF
This module allows to block the generation of financial reports in PDF format.
It is possible to configure the list of financial reports that have to be blocked.
To configure the list of financial reports that cannot be printed in PDF you need to:
Go to Settings > Technical > System Parameters.
Find or create a system parameter called "forbidden.pdf.financial.reports".
Introduce the technical name of the wizard generator models that need to be blocked
separated by commas. The link between the financial reports in the module
account_financial_report and the technical name of their wizards is as follows:
- General Ledger: general.ledger.report.wizard
- Journal Ledger: journal.ledger.report.wizard
- Trial Balance: trial.balance.report.wizard
- Open Items: open.items.report.wizard
- Aged Partner Balance: aged.partner.balance.report.wizard
- VAT Report: vat.report.wizard
For instance, if the PDF generation of the General Ledger and Trial Balance reports have
to be blocked, the "forbidden.pdf.financial.reports" system parameter should contain the
value "general.ledger.report.wizard,trial.balance.report.wizard" (with no quotes).
Keep in mind that all the PDF reports are blocked by default when this module is
If a new report that inherits the abstract class account_financial_report_abstract_wizard
is developed, its PDF report can also be blocked by adding the name of its own wizard
in the "forbidden.pdf.financial.reports" system parameter list.
When a user tries to generate the PDF file of a financial report whose PDF file have
been blocked, an error message appears.
Bug Tracker
Bugs and errors are managed in issues of GitHub <https://github.com/sygel-technology/sy-account-financial-reporting/issues>
In case of problems, please check if your problem has already been
reported. If you are the first to discover it, help us solving it by indicating
a detailed description here <https://github.com/sygel-technology/sy-account-financial-reporting/issues/new>
Do not contact contributors directly about support or help with technical issues.
* Sygel, Odoo Community Association (OCA)
This module is maintained by Sygel.
.. image:: https://www.sygel.es/logo.png
:alt: Sygel
:target: https://www.sygel.es
This module is part of the `Sygel/sy-account-financial-reporting <https://github.com/sygel-technology/sy-account-financial-reporting>`_.
To contribute to this module, please visit https://github.com/sygel-technology/.