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Use this Python library to manage Ping Payments API regarding merchants, payment orders, payments and payouts



Ping Payments Python SDK

Tests PyPI version License: MIT

The Ping Payments Python SDK manages the Ping Payments API and Ping Payment Links API.

Table of contents


The Ping Payments Python SDK supports the following versions of Python:

  • Python 3, versions 3.7 and later


Install the latest Ping Payments Python SDK using pip:

pip install ping-sdk


The Ping Payments Python SDK documentation contains complete information to be able to work with the SDK. Go to Python SDK documentation for the full documentation.

Ping Payments API

The Ping Payments API is implemented as the PaymentsApi class contains a number of endpoints.

Ping Payments API Endpoints

The Ping Payments API is implemented as the PaymentLinksApi contains a number of endpoints.

Ping Payment Links API Endpoints


Get a tenant ID

Ping Payments provides you with a tenant ID and are used for resource permissions.

Important: Make sure you store and access the tenant ID securely.

  1. Import the PaymentsApi class from the Ping module:
from ping.payments_api import PaymentsApi
  1. Instantiate a PaymentsApi object and initialize it with the tenant ID and the environment that you want to use.

Initialize the PaymentsApi in production mode:

payments_api = PaymentsApi(
		tenant_id = '55555555-5555-5555-5555-555555555555'

Initialize the PaymentsApi in sandbox mode, for testing:

payments_api = PaymentsApi(
		tenant_id = '55555555-5555-5555-5555-555555555555',
		environment = 'sandbox'
Make calls

Work with the API by by choosing a Endpoint and calling it´s methods. For example, you can choose the endpoint merchants and call the method list() to a list of all merchants connected to a tenant:

result = payments_api.merchant.list()
Handle the response

Calls to the Ping Payments API endpoint methods returns an ApiResponse object. Properties of the ApiResponse object contains information regarding request (headers and request) and the response (status_code, reason_phrase, text, errors, body, and cursor).

Using the response:

Check whether the response succeeded or failed. Two helper methods is_success()and is_error() in the ApiResponse object determine the success or failure of a call:

if result.is_success():
	# Display the successful response as text
elif result.is_error():
	# Display the error response
	print(f"Errors: {result.errors}")


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