Getting started
The goal of this fork is to provide a PyPI package that you can use in your
python project by calling the pptx_template.render.render_pptx
Some features provided by the originals projects
(https://github.com/skar404/pptx-template and https://github.com/m3dev/pptx-template)
may not work properly.
pip3 install pptx_template_simple
In this fork, you can render a template like this:
from pptx_template import render
input_path = 'test/data5/in.pptx'
model = {
"greeting": "Hello!",
"client_name": "M. Melpanque"
output_path = 'test/data5/out.pptx'
render.render_pptx(input_path, model, output_path)
Test manualy the package:
python3 main.py
Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get -y install python3-setuptools
pip3 install wheel
pip3 install twine
Build the package:
python3 setup.py bdist_wheel
Install the local build package:
pip3 install dist/pptx_template_simple-0.2.8-py3-none-any.whl
Upload to test pypi:
twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
Then test your package by installing the test pypi package:
pip3 install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --no-deps pptx_template_simple
When you are ready, upload the package in the main pypi repository:
twine upload dist/*
Install dependencies:
pip3 install pytest
Run tests:
- Substitute images
- Use Jinja template syntax
pptx-template is a PowerPoint presentation builder.
This helps your routine reporting work that have many manual copy-paste from excel chart to powerpoint, or so.
- Building a new powerpoint presentation file from a "template" pptx file which contains "id"
- Import some strings and CSV data which is defined in a JSON config file or a Python dict
- "id" in pptx template is expressed as a tiny DSL, like "{sales.0.june.us}"
- requires python envirionment (2 or 3), pandas, python-pptx
- for now, only UTF-8 encoding is supported for json, csv
Text substitution
CSV Import
Japanese translation
pptx-template は pptx のテンプレートを元に、別途用意した JSON 中の文字列や CSV データを差し込んだ pptx を生成するツールです。
- テンプレートには "{sales.0.june.us}" のような形で JSON内の値を指す id を記入できます
- python 2 または 3, pandas, pptx に依存しています
- 扱う json や csv の 文字コードは utf-8 前提です