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ProQuo is a tool for the detection of short quotations (<= 4 words) between two texts, a source text and a target text. The target text is the text quoting the source text. Quotations in the target text need to be clearly marked with quotations marks.




This repository contains two tools, ProQuo and ProQuoLM. Both are tools for the detection of short quotations (<= 4 words) between two texts, a source text and a target text. The target text is the text quoting the source text. Quotations in the target text need to be marked with quotations marks. For more information, see below.

The main purpose of this tool is to use the pretrained models for the detection of short quotations. While we found both approaches (ProQuo and ProQuoLM) to perform at the same level (for details, see our publication), ProQuoLm is easier to use, better maintained and the recommended approach.

Quotation Marks

By default, the "best", that is, most common, combination of opening and closing quotation mark in the specific text is used. The following combinations are automatically tried:

  1. " and "
  2. „ and “
  3. „ and "
  4. “ and “
  5. » and «
  6. « and »
  7. ‘ and ’

If this is not the desired behaviour, quotations marks can be manually defined using the command line options --open-quote and --close-quote.

Approaches Overview

ProQuo is a specialized pipeline which uses a model for reference classification and a model for relation extraction between quotations and (page) references to distinguish between relevant quotations (that is, quotations from the source text) and quotations from other sources. In a third step, a rule-based algorithm is used to link the identified quotations to their source.

ProQuoLM uses a fine-tuned BERT model in two ways: to distinguish between relevant quotations and quotations from other sources and to link the quotations to their source.

Pretrained Models and Training Data

The pretrained models and training data are made available and can be downloaded from here. For ProQuoLm, we also provide a model on Hugging Face. This is used by default.


From PyPi

Note: Both tools are part of the same PyPi package. So the following command installs both.

pip install ProQuo

From Source

Checkout this repository and then run:

python -m pip install .


Both installation methods install all dependencies except tensorflow which needs to be installed manually depending on the individual needs, see Tensorflow installation. The latest version that was tested is 2.14.1.

For RelationModelLstmTrainer, tensorflow-text is needed. RelationModelLstmTrainer should normally not be needed as RelationModelBertTrainer performs better and is the default in the pipeline.


The following sections describe how to use ProQuo on the command line.

Quotation detection

To run ProQuoLM with the default model, use the following command:

proquolm compare path_to_source_text path_to_target_text --text --output-type text
All ProQuoLM command line options
usage: proquolm compare [-h] [--tokenizer TOKENIZER] [--model MODEL]
                        [--lower-case | --no-lower-case]
                        [--output-folder-path OUTPUT_FOLDER_PATH]
                        [--create-dated-subfolder | --no-create-dated-subfolder]
                        [--text | --no-text] [--output-type {json,text,csv}]
                        [--csv-sep CSV_SEP] [--open-quote OPEN_QUOTE]
                        [--close-quote CLOSE_QUOTE]
                        [--max-num-processes MAX_NUM_PROCESSES]
                        source-file-path target-path

ProQuoLm compare allows the user to find short quotations (<= 4 words) in two
texts, a source text and a target text. The target text is the text quoting
the source text. Quotations in the target text need to be clearly marked with
quotations marks.

positional arguments:
  source-file-path      Path to the source text file
  target-path           Path to the target text file or folder

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tokenizer TOKENIZER
                        Name of the tokenizer to load from Hugging Face or
                        path to the tokenizer folder
  --model MODEL         Name of the model to load from Hugging Face or path to
                        the model folder
  --lower-case, --no-lower-case
                        Run model inference on lower case text (default: True)
  --output-folder-path OUTPUT_FOLDER_PATH
                        The output folder path. If this option is set the
                        output will be saved to a file created in the
                        specified folder
  --create-dated-subfolder, --no-create-dated-subfolder
                        Create a subfolder named with the current date to
                        store the results (default: False)
  --text, --no-text     Include matched text in the returned data structure
                        (default: True)
  --output-type {json,text,csv}
                        The output type
  --csv-sep CSV_SEP     output separator for csv (default: '\t')
  --open-quote OPEN_QUOTE
                        The quotation open character. If this option is not
                        set, then the type of quotation marks used in a target
                        text is auto automatically identified.
  --close-quote CLOSE_QUOTE
                        The quotation close character. If this option is not
                        set, then the type of quotation marks used in a target
                        text is auto automatically identified.
                        Include matches longer than 4 words in the output
  --max-num-processes MAX_NUM_PROCESSES
                        Maximum number of processes to use for parallel
                        processing. This can significantly speed up the

To run ProQuo, use the following command:

proquo compare path_to_source_text path_to_target_text
--output-type text

--output-type text prints the results to the command line. To save the results to a file, use --output-type csv or --output-type json. --text includes the quotation text in the output.

The output will look something like this:

10      15	    500	505	quote	quote
1000	1016	20	36	some other quote	some other quote

The first two numbers are the character start and end positions in the source text and the other two numbers are the character start and end positions in the target text.

All ProQuo command line options
usage: proquo compare [-h] [--quid-match-path QUID_MATCH_PATH]
                      [--output-folder-path OUTPUT_FOLDER_PATH]
                      [--create-dated-subfolder] [--no-create-dated-subfolder]
                      [--parallel-print-files [PARALLEL_PRINT_FILES ...]]
                      [--parallel-print-first-page PARALLEL_PRINT_FIRST_PAGE]
                      [--parallel-print-last-page PARALLEL_PRINT_LAST_PAGE]
                      [--text] [--no-text] [--ref] [--no-ref]
                      [--output-type {json,text,csv}] [--csv-sep CSV_SEP]
                      [--open-quote OPEN_QUOTE] [--close-quote CLOSE_QUOTE]
                      [--max-num-processes MAX_NUM_PROCESSES]
                      source-file-path target-path ref-vocab-file-path
                      ref-model-file-path rel-tokenizer-folder-path

ProQuo compare allows the user to find short quotations (<= 4 words) in two
texts, a source text and a target text. The target text is the text quoting
the source text. Quotations in the target text need to be clearly marked with
quotations marks.

positional arguments:
  source-file-path      Path to the source text file
  target-path           Path to the target text file or folder
  ref-vocab-file-path   Path to the reference vocab text file
  ref-model-file-path   Path to the reference model file
                        Path to the relation tokenizer folder
                        Path to the relation model folder

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --quid-match-path QUID_MATCH_PATH
                        Path to the file or folder with quid matches. If this
                        option is not set, then Quid is used to find long
  --output-folder-path OUTPUT_FOLDER_PATH
                        The output folder path. If this option is set the
                        output will be saved to a file created in the
                        specified folder
                        Create a subfolder named with the current date to
                        store the results
                        Do not create a subfolder named with the current date
                        to store the results
  --parallel-print-files [PARALLEL_PRINT_FILES ...]
                        Filenames of files which quote a parallel print
  --parallel-print-first-page PARALLEL_PRINT_FIRST_PAGE
                        Number of the first page with parallel print
  --parallel-print-last-page PARALLEL_PRINT_LAST_PAGE
                        Number of the last page with parallel print
  --text                Include matched text in the returned data structure
  --no-text             Do not include matched text in the returned data
  --ref                 Include matched reference in the returned data
  --no-ref              Do not include matched reference in the returned data
  --output-type {json,text,csv}
                        The output type
  --csv-sep CSV_SEP     output separator for csv (default: '\t')
  --open-quote OPEN_QUOTE
                        The quotation open character. If this option is not
                        set, then the type of quotation marks used in a target
                        text is auto automatically identified.
  --close-quote CLOSE_QUOTE
                        The quotation close character. If this option is not
                        set, then the type of quotation marks used in a target
                        text is auto automatically identified.
                        Include matches longer than 4 words in the output
  --max-num-processes MAX_NUM_PROCESSES
                        Maximum number of processes to use for parallel
                        processing.This can significantly speed up the

Parallel processing

ProQuo and ProQuoLM use Quid in the background which supports using multiple processes when comparing multiple target texts with the source texts. To use Quid with multiple processes the command line option --max-num-processes is used. The default is 1.


The library also supports training and testing of custom models. The Training Readme gives an introduction to training models.


If you use ProQuo or ProQuoLM or base your work on our code, please cite our paper:

  author = {Frederik Arnold, Robert Jäschke},
  title = {A Novel Approach for Identification and Linking of Short Quotations in Scholarly Texts and Literary Works},
  volume = {2},
  year = {2023},
  url = {},
  issue = {1},
  doi = {10.48694/jcls.3590},
  month = {1},
  publisher={Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt},
  journal = {Journal of Computational Literary Studies}



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