Some handy Python utilities
A sample to learn Python packaging
Install from source
cd <repo root>
pip install .
python setup.py install (deprecated and problematic)
Build distributions ( Replaced with Actions / cibuildwheel for multiple python versions and platforms)
# build for current python version
rm -rf dist/* && python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
Build and Test - cibuildwheel locally for current platform
pip install cibuildwheel
# build with docker
cibuildwheel --platform linux .
# cibuildwheel config in pyproject.toml
Publish to pypi ( Replaced with Actions / cibuildwheel for multiple python versions and platforms)
twine upload dist/*
Github Actions
The github action workflow has been configured to run build, test and publish to pypi with cibuildwheel which builds cython extension for multiple python versions and platforms.
The workflow is configured to run manually, not to waste resources on each commit, or automatically when a release is created.
The publish job is executed only when a release is created.
Usage - Functions
import pxutil as px
# run a command and capture stdout, stderr
r = px.bash('ls')
# run a command like bash -x, not capture stdout, stderr
# shell alike grep
# normalize a path, by default no symlink resolution
# change work directory
with px.set_work_path("~") as p:
# import any module in a path
conf = px.import_any('~/config/config1.py')
# exit program if return value is an exception
def to_int(any):
if isinstance(dict):
return Exception('dict is not supported to convert to int.')
return int(any)
# bespoke request, return decoded content or Exception if any error
# compatible with requests.request parameters
NB: This logs requests and responses to files if log level is DEBUG, and log level and directory
can be configured via environment variable PX_LOG_LEVEL (DEBUG) and PX_LOG_DIR.
# shorthand of px.request('POST',...)
# set up loggers
# read classic .env file w/o ini section headers, e.g. docker compose .env, and return a dict
Usage - CLI
px.loop -h # run a command in loop
px.chat -h # chat cli based on chatGPT
px.runc -h # compile and run single c file with gcc
px.ls.mod -h # list content of a module/package: submodules, classes, functions.
git clone https://github.com/peterjpxie/pxutil.git
cd pxutil
pip3 install -r tests/requirements.txt
# current python version
# or
# multiple python versions
# or
# multiple python versions in docker
cibuildwheel --platform linux .
Note some tests are not reliable, e.g. test_post
depending on server https://httpbin.org, and moved to manual_test_xx.py to avoid CI failure. Please run them manually as follows.
pytest tests/manual_test_pxutil.py
Places to Update Supported Python Versions
setup.py # pypi description
tox.ini # tox test
pyproject.toml # cibuildwheel