Pycord Paginator
Pycord Paginator is a library to paginate your messages or embeds when using Pycord.
⚠ This library is a fork of, made for Diskord.
To install the library, open your terminal and run this command:
pip install pycord-paging
Example with reactions:
from discord import Embed
from discord.ext import commands
from paginator import Paginator, Page
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!")
paginator = Paginator(bot)
async def on_ready():
print("Bot online")
async def paginator(ctx):
pages = [
Page(embed=Embed(title="Page #1", description="Testing")),
Page(embed=Embed(title="Page #2", description="Still testing")),
Page(embed=Embed(title="Page #3", description="Guess... testing"))
await paginator.send(, pages, type=1,, disable_on_timeout=False)"...")
Example with buttons:
from discord import Embed
from discord.ext import commands
from paginator import Paginator, Page
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!")
paginator = Paginator(bot)
async def on_ready():
print("Bot online")
async def paginator(ctx):
pages = [
Page(embed=Embed(title="Page #1", description="Testing")),
Page(embed=Embed(title="Page #2", description="Still testing")),
Page(embed=Embed(title="Page #3", description="Guess... testing"))
await paginator.send(, pages, type=2,, disable_on_timeout=False)"...")
Docs will be published soon... 👀