Package name is SFTP-SMTP-IMAP.
This package will simplify to work with SFTP, IMAP and SMTP server with the commonly used functionalities.
This package includes 3 classes (sftp, smtp and imap) to work with.
pip install mail-parser==3.15.0
pip install pysftp==0.2.9
Class sftp:-
This class includes all the functions required to work with SFTP server.
setup_credentials(self, sftp_host, sftp_port, sftp_username, sftp_password, sftp_remote_locatio)
As a first step, user need to pass SFTP credentials for setting details in variables.
list_files_directories(self, remote_location, extension, prefix, postfix, within)
This will give list of files and directories based on criteria passed in
extension, prefix, postfix and within parameters.
create_remote_folder(self, remote_location, foldername)
This function can be used to create a folder on SFTP server.
delete_remote_folder(self, remote_location, foldername)
This function can be used to delete a folder on SFTP server.
rename_remote_folder(self, remote_location, old_foldername, new_foldername)
This function can be used to rename a folder on SFTP server.
upload_local_files(self, local_folder, remote_folder, list_of_filenames)
This function can be used to upload single or list of files on SFTP server.
download_remote_files(self, remote_folder, local_folder, list_of_filenames)
This function can be used to download single or list of files from SFTP server to local server/machine.
rename_remote_file(self, remote_location, old_filename, new_filename)
This function can be used to rename a file on SFTP server.
delete_remote_files(self, remote_location, list_of_filenames)
This function can be used to delete a single or list of files on SFTP server.
Class smtp:-
This class includes all the functions required to work with SMTP server.
setup_credentials(self, smtp_host, smtp_port, smtp_username, smtp_password)
As a first step, user need to pass SMTP credentials for setting details in variables.
sendmail_without_attachment(self, TO, CC, BCC, SUBJECT, BODY, FROM_EMAIL)
Use this function when you want to send email without any attachment.
sendmail_with_attachment(self, TO, CC, BCC, SUBJECT, BODY, ATTACHMENTS, FROM_EMAIL)
Use this function when you want to send email with single or multiple attachments.
Class imap:-
This class includes all the functions required to work with IMAP server.
setup_credentials(self, imap_host, imap_port, imap_username, imap_password)
As a first step, user need to pass IMAP credentials for setting details in variables.
email_verification(EmailSubject, FromEmail, Messageid, filter_for, prefix, postfix, within)
Use this function when you want to know the what mail to process from given mail folder.
download_attachments_only(self, mail_foldername, attachment_folder_location, filter_for="", prefix="", postfix="", within="")
Use this function when you want to download email attachments only.
purge_email(self, mail_foldername, list_of_messageid)
Use this function when you want to delete an email from mail folder.
Example of mail_foldername can be Inbox, Processed, Sent etc.
move_emails(self, source_mail_foldername, destination_mail_foldername, list_of_messageid)
Use this function when you want to delete an email from mail folder.
Example of source_mail_foldername/destination_mail_foldername can be Inbox, Processed, Sent etc.
save_email_data_in_xml(self, mail_foldername, xml_folder_location, filter_for="", prefix="", postfix="", within="")
Use this function when you want to download email details in a XML file.
save_email_data_in_xml_with_attachment_in_folder(self, mail_foldername, xml_folder_location, attachment_folder_location,filter_for="", prefix="", postfix="", within="")
Use this function when you want to download email details in a XML file along with attachments.
How to use this project:
from sftp.sftp import sftp
sftp.setup_credentials(sftp, "", , "", "") # Mandatory to use
sftp.list_files_directories(sftp, "")
sftp.create_remote_folder(sftp, "", "")
sftp.delete_remote_files(sftp, "", [""])
sftp.rename_remote_folder(sftp, "", "", "")
sftp.download_remote_files(sftp, "", "", [""])
sftp.upload_local_files(sftp, "", "", [""]) # This function return result in form of "SUCCESS" or "FAILURE"
for a single or list of files. This will be a collective result of processing.
sftp.rename_remote_file(sftp, "", "", "")
sftp.delete_remote_files(sftp, "", [""])
from smtp.smtp import smtp
smtp.setup_credentials(smtp,"", , "", "") #Mandatory to use
smtp.sendmail_without_attachment(smtp, "", "", "", "", "", "")
smtp.sendmail_with_attachment(smtp, "", "", "", "", "", [""], "")
from imap.imap import imap
imap.setup_credentials(imap, "","" , "", "") #Mandatory to use
imap.download_attachments_only(imap, "", "", filter_for="", prefix="", postfix="", within="")
imap.purge_email(imap, "", "")
imap.move_emails(imap, "", "", "")
imap.save_email_data_in_xml(imap, "", "", filter_for="", prefix="", postfix="", within="")
imap.save_email_data_in_xml_with_attachment_in_folder(imap, "", "", "", filter_for="", prefix="", postfix="", within="")
This package is developed by Sunesh Pandita.
GitHub repo:- Link