Scheduler For Python Scripts
The project was built with Python 3.6.7 and requires a working Postgres and Redis setup.
Please refer to your operating system's specific installation instructions per package.
- Python 3.6.7
- Postgres (tested on 11 and up)
- Redis (tested on 5 and up)
Install the requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Create user (called a 'role') in postgres and give it ownership over the new db
Note: It is recommended to create a user with a password, even for development purposes.
$ createuser skidwarduser
$ createdb skidwarddb -O skidwarduser
The application uses environment variables to offer flexible configuration options.
Before using the application, review the configuration in the .env
file to match your desired setup.
A typical connectionstring looks like this:
Copy the .env.default
file to the skidward module and rename to .env
$ cp .env.default skidward/.env
Migrate the database
$ python -m skidward migrate
Publish available workers on the namespace in the database
$ python -m skidward publish-workers
Create an admin user for use in the application
$ python -m skidward create-admin USER_EMAIL
Install the development requirements
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Set up the git pre-commit hook required for development
$ pre-commit install
Optional: If you want to install demo-workers from a proxy,
navigate to the root of your virtual environment and create a pip.conf
$ touch pip.conf
$ echo "[global]" >> pip.conf
$ echo "extra-index-url = URL_TO_PROXY" >> pip.conf
Contributing to the documentation
All documentation is built with Sphix and can be found in the docs
with pages in docs/src
and images located in docs/src/images
Running the application
There's an admin interface provided to communicate with the application,
and then there's the backend side doing the operations.
1. Web interface
Point Flask to the location of the web application
$ export FLASK_APP=skidward.web
Run the default setup (in the same session as the previous command)
$ flask run
2. Scheduler side
Start a new scheduler process (in the fore- or background)
$ python -m skidward start-scheduler # Runs in your session
$ python -m skidward start-scheduler true # Creates a new process running in the background