is a simple set of modules for streamlined interaction with the Snowflake Database for Data Scientists and Business Analysts.
As such the included codes are intended to be used for the execution of raw SQL or with pandas DataFrames and don't make use of an ORM to
map Python objects to tabular Snowflake counterparts.
A quick overview of simplified usage is outlined below.
Basic usage
1. Installation
pip install snowmobile
2. Store credentials
Store snowflake_credentials.json following the below structure anywhere on the local file system
with as many sets of credentials as needed
"Connection1": {
"username": "",
"password": "",
"role": "",
"account": "",
"warehouse": "warehouse #1",
"database": "database #1",
"schema": "schema #1"
"username": "",
"password": "",
"role": "",
"account": "",
"warehouse": "warehouse #1",
"database": "database #1",
"schema": "SANDBOX"
The first time a connection is instantiated, snowcreds
will find the file and cache its location for future reference.
3. Import module for use-case and execute simplified commands
from snowmobile import snowquery
sandbox_conn = snowquery.Connector(conn_name='SANDBOX')
sample_df = sandbox_conn.execute_query('select * from sample_table')
from snowmobile import snowloader
transposed_df = sample_df.transpose()
user_conn = snowquery.Connector(conn_name='user_schema')
snowloader.df_to_snowflake(df=transposed_df, table_name='LATEST_SAMPLE',
connector=user_conn, force_recreate=True)
from snowmobile import snowscripter
import os
paths_to_sql = [os.path.join(file, path) for file in os.listdir(path)]
script_objs = [snowscripter.Script(path, connector=user_conn) for path in paths_to_sql]
for script in script_objs:
Module Overview
All the below sub-modules are included in the build, although the majority of use-cases will run on the front-end modules that make use of the others along the way.
Front-end / primary utilities
instantiates a connection and provides an execute_query()
method for executing statements against and querying data from the warehousesnowloader
flexibly loads data from a local DataFrame into a table within the warehouse in the form of a df_to_snowflake()
function, bundling a variety of utilities that standardize column names pre-loading, check DataFrame's structure compared to the table to be loaded into, and executes
DDL in absence of a pre-existing tablesnowscripter
parses and instantiates components of raw .sql scripts into Python objects for much easier interaction, particularly as it relates to single-statement execution and rendering statements as markdown when executed in IPython environments as well as easy execution of full .sql files
Back-end / supporting
locates the credentials file on a user's local file systemsnowconn
establishes a connection to the database and returns a conn object
A more in-depth description of of each module and its usage outlined below.
simplifies the execution of sql statements against the database via an execute_query()
method, using pandas' pd.read_sql
function to execute the SQL and returning results from the DataBase as a dataframe by default.
please note: snowquery
is intended to streamline execution of sql that is typed within a Python script
and is better-suited for ad-hoc statements whereas snowscripter
imports an external .sql file & extracts its components into Python objects that come with cleaner methods for execution.
Its usage to query via set of credentials stored in snowflake_credentials.json labeled SANDBOX is as follows.
from snowmobile import snowquery
sf = snowquery.Connector(conn_name='SANDBOX')
sample = sf.execute_query('select * from sample_sandbox_table')
imports an external .sql file & transforms it into Python objects on which methods can be called to perform a variety of actions.
The Script
object is instantiated with the following three arguments, of which only path
is required for successful instantiation.
def __init__(self, path: str, pattern: str = r"/\*-(\w.*)-\*/",
connector: snowquery.Connector = ''):
"""Instantiating an instance of 'script' by calling Script class on a
full path to a sql script.
path: Full path to SQL script including .sql extension
pattern: Regex pattern that SQL statement headers are wrapped in
connector: Instantiated snowquery.Connector instance to use in the
execution of Script or Statement objects
The usage for this module is broken up into script-level and statement-level usage below, the latter of which contains the majority of application.
Usage (script-level)
In its simplest form, users can instantiate an instance of script
by running the below where path is a full file path to a .sql file.
script = snowscripter.Script(path)
This will return a Script object on which the .run()
method can be called to execute an entire script sequentially statement by statement.
Usage (statement-level)
The real benefit of snowscripter
comes from the use of 'header' tags within the sql script that form a link between a specified name and an individual statement - these are identified in the parser by the regex pattern contained in the pattern
argument of the object's instantiation.
The pattern's default is '/\*-(\w.*)-\*/' and will return all text between a standard sql block-comment whose contents are wrapped in an additional '-', such as:
To make this more clear, a usage example is outlined in the below in which snowscripter
used to transform a few simple sql statements and execute them against a sample table loaded in the warehouse.
Example Usage
Setup / creating data
The following Python snippet creates a dummy DataFrame and loads it to the warehouse for use during the exercise
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from snowmobile import snowloader, snowquery
df = pd.DataFrame({f"col{i}":
np.random.normal(0, 1, 1000) for i in range(0, 10)}).reset_index()
demo_conn = snowquery.Connector('demo')
snowloader.df_to_snowflake(df, table_name='SAMPLE_TABLE', force_recreate=True, connector=demo_conn)
1. Local sql script (snowscripter_sample.sql)
Now that we have a sample table to query against, consider two statements stored in the .sql file
create or replace temp table index_agg as with
contrived_1 as (
,sum(col1) as col1
group by 1
contrived_2 as (
,sum(col1) as col2
group by 1
from contrived_1 a
inner join contrived_2 b
on a.index = b.index;
as cnt_all
FROM index_agg
group by 1
having count(*) <> 1;
2. Instantiating parsed script object
In Python, we can instantiate a snowscripter.Script
object from this file with:
from snowmobile import snowscripter
script = snowscripter.Script(path_to_script, snowflake=demo_conn)
3. Accessing & executing statements
Now that we have a script
object in memory, we can work with different parts of our script
either through the script
object or extracting individual Statement
objects & their associated methods.
Option 1: Access as a Statement
object via the script's .fetch()
sample_statement_obj = script.fetch('contrived_example_aggregation')
This method is preferred because the snowmobile.snowscripter.Statement
object comes with the following three methods:
to execute.render()
to render the syntactically-highlighted code as a markdown in IPython environments.raw()
to return the raw sql as a string
Option 2: Access Statement
objects for all statements via the script's .get_statements()
This will return an iterable containing individual Statement
objects for all statements in the script
iterable_statements = script.get_statements()
for statement_header, statement in iterable_statements.items():
Note: It's technically possible to access each statement as a raw string by pulling it out of
the script
object's namespace with:
However, this isn't recommended as manually executing all those strings is significantly less convenient
than the following two options outlined above.
4. Executing and rendering statements simultaneously
Lastly, it's often helpful to execute a statement as well as render the sql behind it
or see descriptions of results, particularly when troubleshooting a broken pipeline or
trying to determine at what point in a lengthy sql script the data stops representing what
we think it does.
To avoid the need to call multiple methods in these instances, the .execute()
is defined with the following arguments allowing for this flexibility.
def execute(self, results: bool = True, render: bool = False,
describe: bool = False) -> object:
"""Executes sql with option to return results / render sql as Markdown.
results: Boolean indicating whether or not to
return results
render: Boolean indicating whether or not to render the
raw sql as markdown
describe: Boolean indicating whether or not to
print output of a pandas df.describe() on returned results (mostly
useful for QA queries that are expected to return null-sets)
Resulting in the following functionality within IPython/Jupyter environments
End Snowmobile.snowscripter
Example Usage
streamlines the bulk-loading protocol outlined in the Snowflake documentation
in the form of a df_to_snowflake()
function and is intended to be a one-stop solution for the quick loading of data.
Its main features are:
- Standardizing of DataFrame's columns prior to loading into the warehouse
- DDL creation & execution if a pre-defined table to load data into doesn't exist
- Parameter-based flexibility to append DataFrame's contents or replace pre-existing contents
- Returns a boolean indicating whether or not a load was successful for exception-handling when iteratively loading/appending multiple files
into a single table.
Continuing on the above example, the below will convert all columns in the sample_table DataFrame to floats
and load it into the warehouse, executing new-DDL to overwrite an existing table or create one in its absence.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from snowmobile import snowloader, snowquery
demo_conn = snowquery.Connector('demo')
df = demo_conn.execute_query('select * from sample_table')
df = df.drop(columns=[col for col in df.columns if 'index' in
df = df.applymap(float).reset_index()
snowloader.df_to_snowflake(df=df, table_name='SAMPLE_TABLE', force_recreate=True,
snowloader.df_to_snowflake(df=df, table_name='SAMPLE_TABLE', force_recreate=True)
In the above,
- Option 1 will load the data back into Snowflake on the same connection that was established in the
sf = snowquery.Snowflake(conn_name='SANDBOX')
statement by use of the snowflake=sf
parameter - In Option 2 this argument is omitted and the function will instantiate a new connection based on the first set of credentials in snowflake_credentials.json
In general and particularly when iteratively loaded multiple files into the database, it will be faster to instantiate a single instance of snowquery
that's passed into the df_to_snowflake()
function so that it does not need to find, read-in and parse the credentials file each time its called.
is a single class intentionally extracted for easier evolving along with security standards,
its instantiation of Credentials()
accepts the below two arguments and associated defaults
def __init__(self, config_file: str = 'snowflake_credentials.json',
conn_name: str = '') -> None:
"""Instantiates an instance of credentials file.
config_file: Name of .json configuration file following the
format of connection_credentials_SAMPLE.json.
conn_name: Name of connection within json file to use, will
use first set of credentials in the file if no argument is passed.
self.config_file = config_file
self.conn_name = conn_name
It contains a single .get()
method that will traverse a user's file system from the bottom-up until it finds a filename
that matches the config_file
parameter and unless specified otherwise via the conn_name
parameter will return the first set of credentials
stored in the .json file.
The .json file itself is assumed to store its credentials following this format
Note: The instantiation of snowcreds
is somewhat verbose and has been left us such for the time being as it is a back-end utility and not intended
to be called by the users explicitly
from snowmobile import snowcreds
creds = snowcreds.Credentials(config_file='sample_credentials.json').get()
Locating & importing credentials..
<1 of 4> Searching for sample_credentials.json in local file system..
<2 of 4> Located & loaded sample_credentials.json from:
<3 of 4> No explicit connection passed, fetching 'Connection1' credentials by default
<4 of 4> Successfully imported credentials for conn_name='Connection1'
is also comprised of a single class, Connection()
, that inherits Credentials()
to retrieve a set of credentials with which to establish a connection to the database.
Its instantiation and usage is very similar to snowcreds
as it inherits the config_file
and conn_name
attributes and includes a .get_conn()
method will authenticate using the credentials
returned by snowcreds.get()
The below codes instantiate an instance of Connection used in higher-level modules.
from snowmobile import snowconn
creds = snowconn.Connection().get_conn()
The below outputs all the attributes and methods associated with an instantiated script
attrs = {k: v for k, v in script.__dict__.items()}
for i, (k, v) in enumerate(attrs.items(), start=1):
print(f"<a{i}> {k}:\n\t{type(v)}")
for i2, k in enumerate(script.__dir__(), start=1):
if str(k) not in list(attrs.keys()) and '__' not in str(k):
print(f"<m{i2-18}> .{k}()")
i2 -= 1
<a1> sql:
<class 'snowmobile.snowscripter.Script'>
<a2> snowflake:
<class 'snowmobile.snowquery.Connector'>
<a3> pattern:
<class 're.Pattern'>
<a4> source:
<class 'str'>
<a5> name:
<class 'str'>
<a6> script_txt:
<class 'str'>
<a7> list_of_statements:
<class 'list'>
<a8> statement:
<class 'str'>
<a9> statement_names:
<class 'list'>
<a10> statements:
<class 'dict'>
<a11> spans:
<class 'dict'>
<a12> ordered_statements:
<class 'list'>
<a13> header_statements:
<class 'list'>
<a14> full_sql:
<class 'str'>
<a15> returned:
<class 'dict'>
<m1> .reload_source()
<m2> .run()
<m3> .get_statements()
<m4> .fetch()
<m5> .render()
<m6> .raw()
<m7> .execute()