Streamlit local storage
This repo is to help streamlt users manage data in a browser's local storage.
Built on the use-local-storage-state
that allows for real time updates especially important when local storage item is deleted.
for more details:
pip install streamlit-local-storage
store items to local storage
from streamlit_local_storage import LocalStorage
localS = LocalStorage()
itemKey = "camera"
itemValue = "Tarah"
localS.setItem(itemKey, itemValue)
get item from local storage
itemKey = "Taylor Swift"
local_storage_item = localS.getItem(itemKey)
get all items saved on local storage
saved_individual = localS.getAll()
delete all
when getting local storage items with streamlit widgets
st.subheader("Method 1")
def LocalStorageManager():
return LocalStorage()
localS = LocalStorageManager()
if "get_val" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["get_val"] = None
with st.form("get_data"):
st.text_input("key", key="get_local_storage_v")
if st.session_state["get_local_storage_v"] != "":
val_ = localS.getItem(st.session_state["get_local_storage_v"], key="test_get_item")
st.session_state["get_val"] = val_
### When using callbacks for get item, can use the below example. But it wont reveal data unless app has rendered twice. But callback can be work without a hitch generally (based on my tests).
st.subheader("Method 2 - using callback. Does not load instantly especially for get storage")
def LocalStorageManager():
return LocalStorage()
localS = LocalStorageManager()
if "get_val_2" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["get_val_2"] = None
if "st_col_test" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["st_col_test"] = None
def change_state_2():
with st.session_state["st_col_test"][0]: # call method from below form
localS.getItem(st.session_state["get_local_storage_v_2"], key="test_get_item_2") # initialise/run method and value will be stored in `session_state`
with st.form("get_data_2"):
st.text_input("key", key="get_local_storage_v_2")
st.form_submit_button("Submit", on_click=change_state_2)
st.session_state["st_col_test"] = st.columns(1) #to make sure rendering happens below form (or other streamlit element. Else the re-rendering of component upon re-running of up will be run at the top of the streamlit component (form here) which creates nasty ui experience.)
if "test_get_item_2" in st.session_state and st.session_state["test_get_item_2"] != None:
st.session_state["get_val_2"] = st.session_state["test_get_item_2"] # if local storage method is initialised, get the stored value and use it throughout the app.
Remember to refresh browser if it does not pop up instantly in local storage.