.. Titling
Turberfield is the family name for a bunch of software components which support
game development. This particular package is turberfield-dialogue
. It helps you
create dramatic dialogue or screenplay.
You can read the full documentation online
Turberfield is a S ur PRISE.
Turberfield can be understood by machines or human beings.
Turberfield can be stopped and saved for later.
Turberfield can be turned into something else.
Turberfield listens to what you say.
Turberfield knows what it's talking about.
for Economics
...or Education, or Entertainment. Turberfield is deadly serious.
And only a game.
What's missing? UR!
- If you've spotted a bug in Turberfield, please let me know so I can fix it.
- If you think Turberfield lacks a feature, you can help drive development by describing
your Use Case.
In either event, please visit the project's issue tracker
:Author: tundish
:Copyright: 2017 D Haynes
:Licence: GNU General Public License
.. _GNU General Public License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
.. _issue tracker: https://github.com/tundish/turberfield-dialogue/issues
.. _documentation online: https://turberfield-dialogue.readthedocs.io