TuyaPower - PyPi Module
Author: Jason A. Cox
Python module to pull power and state data from Tuya WiFi smart devices. Tested on RaspberryPi, Linux, Windows 10 and MacOS.
This module requires: pycryptodome and tinytuya (replaces pytuya).
sudo apt-get install python-crypto python-pip
python3 -m pip install pycryptodome
python3 -m pip install tinytuya
python3 -m pip install tuyapower
For Windows 10 users or if you get errors related to Crypto, try installing the pycryptodome module:
pip install pycryptodome
- deviceInfo - Poll device and return on, w, mA, V and err data.
(on, w, mA, V, err) = tuyapower.deviceInfo(PLUGID, PLUGIP, PLUGKEY, PLUGVERS)
- deviceRaw - Poll device and return raw response data.
rawData = tuyapower.deviceRaw(PLUGID, PLUGIP, PLUGKEY, PLUGVERS)
- devicePrint - Poll device and print formatted output to stdout.
tuyapower.devicePrint(PLUGID, PLUGIP, PLUGKEY, PLUGVERS)
- deviceJSON - Poll device and return JSON formatted details.
- deviceScan(verbose, max_retries=15) - Scans network for smart plug devices and return dictionary of devices and power data.
verbose = False
devices = tuyapower.deviceScan(verbose)
- scan(max_retries=15) - This is a shortcut for deviceScan() that prints formatted output to stdout for UDP ports 6666 and 6667. By default, the scan functions will retry 15 times to find new devices. If you are not seeing all your devices, you can increase max_retries.
- PLUGID = Device ID e.g. 01234567891234567890
- PLUGIP = Device IP Address e.g.
- PLUGKEY = Device Key e.g. 0123456789abcdef
- PLUGVERS = Version of Protocol 3.1 or 3.3
- verbose = Print more details - True or False (default is False)
- max_retries = Number of times to retry scan of new devices (default is 15)
Response Data:
- on = Switch state - true or false
- w = Wattage
- mA = milliamps
- V = Voltage
- err = Error message or OK
- rawData = Raw response from device
- devices = Dictionary of all devices found with power data if available
Note: If error occurs, on will be set to false, w, mA and V will be set to -99.0.
Example Usage:
import tuyapower
PLUGID = '01234567891234567890'
PLUGKEY = '0123456789abcdef'
PLUGVERS = '3.1'
(on, w, mA, V, err) = tuyapower.deviceInfo(PLUGID,PLUGIP,PLUGKEY,PLUGVERS)
Scanning on UDP port 6666 for devices...
FOUND Device [Valid payload]:
ID = 01234567891234567890, Key = 0123456789abcdef, Version = 3.1
Stats: on=True, W=6.0, mA=54.0, V=121.1 [OK]
FOUND Device [Valid payload]:
ID = 01234567891234567891, Key = 0123456789abcdea, Version = 3.1
Stats: on=True, W=-99, mA=-99, V=-99 [Power data unavailable]
Scan Complete! Found 2 devices.
devices = tuyapower.deviceScan()
for ip in devices:
id = devices[ip]['gwId']
key = devices[ip]['productKey']
vers = devices[ip]['version']
(on, w, mA, V, err) = deviceInfo(id, ip, key, vers)
print("Device at %s: ID %s, state=%s, W=%s, mA=%s, V=%s [%s]"%(ip,id,on,w,mA,V,err))
Scan Tool
The function tuyapower.scan()
will listen to your local network (UDP 6666 and 6667) and identify Tuya devices broadcasting their IP, Device ID, productKey and Version and will print that and their stats to stdout. This can help you get a list of compatible devices on your network. The tuyapower.deviceScan()
function returns all found devices and their stats (via dictionary result).
You can run the scanner from the command line using this:
python -m tuyapower
By default, the scan functions will retry 15 times to find new devices. If you are not seeing all your devices, you can increase max_retries by passing an optional arguments (ex. 50 retries):
python -m tuyapower 50
devices = tuyapower.deviceScan(false, 50)