Testing XML with unittest
This library is a set of helper methods for testing XML with Python's unittest library.
The new assertion methods use XPath
_ to select the XML elements that assertions are being
made about.
.. _XPath
: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XPath
Sample usage
To use these additional assertions, simply mix the xmltest.XMLAssertions
into your test class::
import unittest
from xmltest import XMLAssertions
class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase, XMLAssertions):
Now suppose you have the following XML string that you wish to examine::
response_xml = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<issuer country="UK">HSBC</issuer>
Assert the number of elements matching an XPath query::
self.assertXPathNodeCount(response_xml, 1, 'CardTxn/issuer[@country="UK"]')
self.assertXPathNodeCount(response_xml, 1, 'status')
Assert the value of a particular element::
self.assertXPathNodeText(response_xml, 'ACCEPTED', 'reason')
Assert the attribute values of an element::
self.assertXPathNodeAttributes(xml, {'country': 'UK'}, 'CardTxn/issuer'}
From PyPi::
pip install unittest-xml
To run the tests, install nose
and mock
pip install nose mock
and use::